Israeli attack on Gaza: NEC resolution
October 12, 2004

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After the recent Israeli attack on Gaza, UNISON's national executive council has issued a resolution calling on Israelis and Palestinians to return urgently to peace process.

Draft NEC resolution

As the recent death toll in Gaza rises to over 70, including at least 19 children, UNISON condemns the activities of the Israeli army and calls on the government of Israel to cease its violent and indiscriminate attack on Gaza immediately. UNISON further condemns the demolition of homes and the destruction of agricultural land, the main source of income in the area.

With over 50,000 people trapped by the fighting, with electricity cut off and water sources contaminated, the humanitarian situation is worsening dramatically and therefore we call for a rapid end to this brutal attack on the civilian population.

We call on both the Israelis and the Palestinians to return urgently to the peace process, the only means by which Israel will be able to achieve lasting security and the Palestinians will be able to achieve their objective of an independent and democratic state.

We further call on the British government to exert pressure on the Israelis to end their attacks and to use their influence within the European Union and with the United States to bring the parties back to the negotiating table. The NEC therefore instructs the General Secretary to write to the Foreign Secretary to inform him of the terms of this resolution.

In solidarity with the people of Gaza, UNISON agrees to make a donation to ‘Give Gaza’, an appeal for humanitarian relief supported by the Palestinian General Delegation in London. The NEC further calls on regions and branches to make donations to the appeal.