Stop the Crimes of Sharon
By The Palestinian NGO Network
February 14, 2002

Early Wednesday, February 13, 2002 , Israeli tanks and troops invaded the Palestinian towns of Beit Lahya, Beit Hanoun, Deir Al-Balah, and Maghazi in Northern Gaza. This latest Israeli attack resulted in the killing of four Palestinians, and the distruction of Palestinian private land and properties , including the headquarters of the "Taghrid Society for Arts and Folklore", a Palestinian non-govermmental organization member of the Palestinian NGO Network.

The Israeli occupational troops prevented an international delegation, who happened to be visiting Gaza on Wednesday morning, from entering the Erez military barrier. Their visit comes within the framework of the "Grassroots International for the Protection of the Palestinian People" campaign.

The Palestinian NGO Network condemns the ongoing escalating practices of Sharon's government, and reaffirm the need for international protection for the Palestinian people.

The PNGO Network appeals to the international community to take action immediately to put an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people.

The Palestinian NGO Network believes that the continuous Israeli military aggression threatens the stability and the possibility of peacemaking in the whole region. Hence, the PNGO calls for the immediate implementation of international resolutions on the Palestinian question, particularly the Palestinian right to self-determination, the Right of Return and the right of Palestinians to establish the Independent Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital.

The Palestinian NGO Network