Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories 18 - 24 November 2004
November 25, 2004

Israeli Troops Continue Attacks in the OPT

  • 6 Palestinian civilians, including 2 children and a handicapped elderly, were killed by Israeli troops.
  • 3 of the victims were extra-judicially killed by Israeli troops.
  • Israeli troops conducted a series of incursions into Palestinian areas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
  • At least 75 donums[1] of agricultural land were razed and one house was partially demolished in the Gaza Strip.
  • Houses were raided and dozens of Palestinian civilians were arrested in the West Bank.
  • A number of civilian institutions were raided in the West Bank.
  • Continued shelling of residential areas and civilian facilities and 13 Palestinian civilians were injured.
  • Construction of the “Annexation wall” in the West Bank has continued and dozens of donums of agricultural land were razed in Beit Oula village near Hebron for this purpose.
  • Israeli troops have continued to impose a total siege on the OPT and a number of Palestinian civilians were arrested at military checkpoints


Israeli occupying Forces have launched more attacks against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). This week, 6 Palestinian civilians, including 2 children and a handicapped elderly, were killed by Israeli troops. In addition, a number of Palestinian civilians were injured by the Israeli gunfire. Human rights violations perpetrated by Israeli occupying troops included willful and extra-judicial killings, incursions into Palestinian areas, indiscriminate shelling, land leveling and total closure imposed on Palestinian communities.

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli troops positioned in the vicinity of “Netzarim” settlement, south of Gaza City, shot dead a handicapped Palestinian civilian when he got close to the settlement. They fired at the victim without any warning. Israeli troops continued to shell Palestinian residential areas, especially in Rafah where 13 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children and 2 women, were injured. One of the children was injured when he was on his desk at school.

This week, Israeli troops conducted 4 incursions into Khan Yunis and Deir al-Balah in the Gaza Strip. During these incursions, Israeli troops razed 75 donums of Palestinian agricultural land and destroyed some agricultural equipment. They also injured a man and his child, arrested 10 Palestinian civilians for several hours and held 2 families inside their houses for 2 days under tough conditions.

In the West Bank, Israeli troops killed 5 Palestinian civilians. On 20 November 2004, Israeli troops used excessive force against a number of Palestinian children who threw stones at those troops. Two of the children were killed. The other 3 victims were extra-judicially killed by an undercover unit of Israeli troops in Bitounia town near Ramallah on 21 November 2004. This week, Israeli troops moved into various areas throughout the West Bank, injured a number of Palestinian civilians and arrested dozens of others. They also raided offices of a number of civil societies and confiscated some of their contents.

Israeli troops have continued to construct the annexation wall inside the West Bank territory. This week, Israeli troops started to raze large areas of agricultural land in Beit Oula village, northwest of Hebron, after they had razed large areas of agricultural land in Deir al-'Asal village, southwest of the town. The local council of Beit Oula village estimated that at least 4000 donums of agricultural land may be razed in the village for the purpose of the construction of a section of the wall in the areas. Israeli troops used excessive force against Palestinian farmers and some international and Israeli peace activists who demonstrated in protest to this construction. On 24 November 2004, the Israeli high court rejected a petition submitted by residents of Sour Baher village near Jerusalem to change the route of the annexation wall that crosses through the village.

Israeli troops have continued to impose a tightened siege on the OPT and have imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Jerusalem.

Israeli troops have continued to impose tightened siege on the Gaza Strip. They have imposed severe restrictions on internal movement. They have continued to isolate some areas since the beginning of the current Intifada. They have also continued to close all border crossings of the Gaza Strip either partially or completely. These measures violate the Palestinian economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights.

In the West Bank, Israeli troops imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. They stopped, checked and humiliated Palestinian civilians while crossing military checkpoints throughout the West Bank, while this week witnesses a very rainy weather.

Shelling of, and Encroachment into Palestinian Areas and Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property

Thursday, 18 November 2004

At approximately 17:20, Israeli troops opened fire at Palestinian houses in 'Oraiba area in the northwest of Rafah. A Palestinian civilian, Ghanem Sa'ada al-Hashash, 43, was seriously wounded by a live bullet in the face and shrapnel in the chest, when he was near a mosque in the area.

At approximately 19:00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts along the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at residential areas in the town. A Palestinian child, 15-year-old Ahmed Khalil Abu Khudair, was injured by shrapnel in the chest when he was near his house in al-Junaina neighborhood, nearly 800 meters away from the border.

At approximately 23:30, Israeli troops opened fire at Palestinian houses in 'Oraiba area in the northwest of Rafah. A Palestinian civilian, Hamdan 'Awad Fouju, 20, was wounded by a live bullet in the right leg when he was near his house.

In the hours of the day, Israeli troops moved into al-Duha village near Bethlehem; Beit Aksa village near Jerusalem; and Yatta village near Hebron. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 5 Palestinians, including 3 brothers and a girl.

Friday, 19 November 2004

At approximately 01:00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the west of Rafah opened fire at Palestinian houses in Tal al-Sultan neighborhood. A Palestinian child, Nidal 'Abdul Salam al-Mughrabi, was wounded by 2 live bullets in the right hand and leg.

At approximately 21:00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the vicinity of “Netser Hazani” settlement, northwest of Khan Yunis, opened fire at Palestinian houses in al-Qarara village to the east. A Palestinian civilian, Hani Hammad Abu ‘Akar, 28, was wounded by a live bullet in the left arm.

Saturday, 20 November 2004

At approximately 03:00, Israeli troops moved into Tulkarm town and refugee camp. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 10 Palestinians.

At approximately 14:00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts along the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at residential areas in the town. A Palestinian woman, Fetma Mahmoud Lafi, 60, was wounded by a live bullet in the left shoulder when she was inside her house in al-Shaboura refugee camp, nearly 1200 meters away from the border.

At approximately 16:00, Israeli troops opened fire at Palestinian houses in 'Oraiba area in the northwest of Rafah. A Palestinian child, 14-year-old Hammad Musallam al-Najri, was injured by shrapnel in the head.

At approximately 18:00, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles, moved nearly 300 meters into Abu Sha'ar area in Wdi al-Salqa village, east of Deir al-Balah. Under the cover of indiscriminate shelling, they started to raze areas of Palestinian agricultural land. By Sunday morning, 21 November 2004, they had razed 18 donums of agricultural land planted with almonds and vegetables belonging to the families of Abu Gharaba and Abu Ghulaiba.

At approximately 18:30, 5 Israeli military jeeps moved into Nablus. Israeli troops opened fire at houses. A number of Palestinian children and young men gathered at the entrance of the old town and threw stones at the Israeli military jeeps. Immediately, Israeli troops opened fire at the stone throwers and killed 2 children:

  • Muntasser Jihad Marwan Haddada, 15, hit by a live bullet to the chest; and
  • 'Aamer Mohammed Darwish Banat, 15, hit by a live bullet to the chest.

A third one, Mohammed Saleh Fahmi Raihan, 22, was wounded by a live bullet in the abdomen.

At approximately 19:00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the west of Rafah opened fire at Palestinian houses in Tal al-Sultan neighborhood. Two Palestinian civilians, including a girl, were wounded:

  • Yousef Fathi Fahajan, 24, wounded by a live bullet in the left leg; and
  • 'Abeer Rajab Fahajan, 21, wounded by a live bullet in the left leg.

Late at night, Israeli troops positioned in military posts at the northern border of “Netzarim” settlement, south of Gaza City, shot dead a Palestinian civilian who was near the settlement. On the following day evening, Israeli troops informed the Palestinian liaison that a body had been in the area for nearly 20 hours. Following coordination between the two sides, a Palestinian ambulance moved towards the area and evacuated the body to Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. According to medical sources, the victim was hit by several heavy caliber bullets to the head, the chest, the abdomen and the limbs. The victim was later identified as Riad Hassan Tammous, 57, from al-Shati refugee camp. According to his family, he suffered from a psychological disorder.

Sunday, 21 November 2004

At approximately 03:30, an infantry unit of Israeli troops moved nearly 200 meters into al-Sumairi neighborhood in al-Qarara village, northeast of Khan Yunis. Israeli troops raided and searched Kamel 'Abed Rabbu al-Sumairi's house. Then, they forced the 5 residents of the house out and held them in a room in a neighboring house and transformed their house into a military site. At approximately 06:30, Israeli troops positioned in the house opened fire at 2 Palestinian gunmen who were on their way to launch an armed attack. One of the gunmen was killed and the other one was able to escape. A few minutes later, more Israeli troops were brought to the area. They raided and searched houses in the area. They also started to destroy some civilian properties. By 13:00, they had demolished one house, razed 57 donums of agricultural land and destroyed a number of irrigation networks belonging to the families of al-Sumairi and Mahanna. Israeli troops also arrested 10 Palestinian civilians. These civilians were taken to an Israeli military post, where they were interrogated and then released at 20:00.

At approximately 10:20, Israeli troops positioned in military posts along the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at Palestinian residential areas in the town. A Palestinian civilian, Subhi Salem Abu Taha, 41, was wounded by a live bullet in the face while he was in the center of the town.

At approximately 10:30, Israeli troops positioned in military posts along the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at Palestinian residential areas in the town. A number of live bullets hit an UNRWA preparatory school in al-Shaboura refugee camp, nearly 1200 meters away from the border. A schoolchild, 13-year-old Ahmed Fu'ad al-Qadi, was wounded by a live bullet in the right leg.

At approximately 11:30, Israeli troops positioned in military posts along the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at Block K in Rafah refugee camp. A Palestinian girl, 19-year-old Noura Khalil al-'Ennabi, was injured by shrapnel in the left thigh when she was inside her house.

Monday, 22 November 2004

In the early morning, Israeli troops moved into Salfit village, south of Nablus. They surrounded a building in the east of the village, which includes offices of Prisoners’ Support Society, whose main offices are inside Israel. Israeli troops broke into the building and broke doors of the society. They searched its offices and confiscated files of Palestinian prisoners, publications and a computer set. They also destroyed the furniture. They withdrew from the area at approximately 02:00.

Also in the early morning, Israeli troops moved into Qarawat Bani Hassan village, west of Salfit. They called director of the cultural society of the village, ‘Ezzat Yousef Saleh Rayan and ordered him to go to the offices of the society, otherwise they would blow up the doors. According to Rayan, an Israeli officer phoned him 3 times, so he went to the offices of the society in the south of the village near the Annexation Wall. When he arrived at the offices, he found Israeli troops surrounding them. An Israeli intelligence officer ordered Rayan to open door. Then, Israeli troops searched the offices and confiscated all of the society’s official documents and 6 computer sets.

At approximately 01:00, an infantry unit of Israeli troops moved nearly 100 meters into al-Mughraqa village, south of Gaza City. Israeli troops raided 2 houses belonging to the families of al-‘Aaidi and Hamdan. They held residents of each house in one room and transformed the two houses into military sites. They remained in the two houses until Wednesday morning, 24 November 2004, during which movement of the residents inside the two houses was prohibited. Israeli troops also destroyed a television set, windows and doors, and confiscated a mobile phone.

At approximately 01:30, Israeli troops moved into Bethlehem. They raided and searched offices of al-Ihsan Charitable Society in Wad Ma'ali neighborhood. They damaged contents of the offices, including documents.

At approximately 13:30, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles, moved nearly 300 meters into Abu Haddaf area in al-Qarara village, northeast of Khan Yunis. Under the cover of indiscriminate shelling, they searched agricultural areas. As a result of the indiscriminate Israeli shelling, a man and his child who were traveling in a private car:

  1. Mustafa Joma'a al-Sumairi, 42, wounded by a live bullet in the right shoulder; and
  2. Yousef Mustafa al-Sumairi, 12, hit by shrapnel to the head.

In the hours of the day, Israeli troops moved into Qalqilya; Nablus and the neighboring Hares village; and Tulkarm refugee camp. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 5 Palestinians.

Tuesday, 23 November 2004

In the hours of the day, Israeli troops moved into Hebron and the neighboring Bani Na’im village; Beit Reema village near Ramallah; and Beit Jala. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 8 Palestinians.

Wednesday, 24 November 2004

At approximately 09:00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts near Tal al-Sultan neighborhood in the west of Rafah opened fire at Palestinian houses in the neighborhood. A Palestinian child, 9-year-old Sa’id Mohammed al-Sebakhi, was injured by shrapnel in the left thigh.

At approximately 16:00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts along the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at Palestinian houses in al-Brazil neighborhood. A Palestinian woman, Rania Hamdan al-‘Emwasi, 24, was wounded by a live bullet in the right leg.

Extra-Judicial Execution

In a continuation of the policy of extra-judicial execution officially adopted by the Israeli political and military establishments, on Sunday evening, 21 November 2004, Israeli troops committed an extra-judicial execution in Bitounia town, southwest of Ramallah, which left 3 members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (the military wing of Fatah movement) dead. The killing was carried out by an undercover unit of Israeli troops, whose members often disguise as Palestinian civilians. Israeli military sources claimed that Israeli soldiers, members of an undercover unit, killed 3 Palestinian, including Mohammed Ghassan, whom they described as a prominent activist of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Ghassan had left his shelter only a few hours before he was killed. Later, Israeli troops claimed that the 3 victims fired at the undercover unit that attacked them and injured one of its members, but investigations conducted by PCHR refuted this claim.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 19:15 on Sunday, 21 November 2004, an undercover unit of Israeli troops disguised as Palestinian civilians moved into Bitounia town, southwest of Ramallah traveling in a civilian car that had a Palestinian registration plate. The car stopped opposite to al-'Attari fuel station in the main street, and 3 persons who were wearing civilian clothes got out of it. They broke into 'Ali al-Hatab's bakery shop and held all those who were there. In the meantime, a Palestinian civilian car, a grey BMW, stopped near the bakery shop. Immediately, members of the Israeli undercover unit who were in the first civilian car opened fire at the BMW car and immediately withdrew from the area. Palestinian ambulances arrived at the area and evacuated bodies of 3 Palestinians from the targeted car to Ramallah Hospital. According to medical sources, each one of the victims was hit by several live bullets to the head and the neck. The victims were identified as:

  1. Mohammed Ghassan Liftawi, 26, from Ramallah;
  2. Salama Ya'qoub, 27, from 'Ein 'Arik village west of Ramallah; and
  3. Nasser Sa'id Baker Jawabra, 28, from 'Assira village near Nablus.

Continued Siege on the OPT

This week, Israeli troops have continued to impose a tightened siege on the OPT and imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

Israeli troops have continued to impose a tighten siege on the Gaza Strip. They have imposed severe restrictions on internal movement. They have continued to isolate some areas since the beginning of the current Intifada. They have also continued to close all border crossings of the Gaza Strip either partially or completely. These measures violate the Palestinian economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights.

Israeli troops positioned at al-Matahen and Abu Houli checkpoints on Salah al-Din Street (the main road between the north and south of the Gaza Strip) imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. The two checkpoints are opened between 06:00 and 20:00 everyday. On Friday morning, 19 November 2004, Israeli troops held and searched a number of Palestinian vehicles between the two checkpoints. The same occurred on Saturday and Sunday, 20 and 21 November 2004. On Monday evening, 22 November 2004, Israeli troops closed two checkpoints and held and searched a number of Palestinian vehicles in between. They interrogated a number of Palestinian civilians.

Israeli troops have continued to impose a strict siege on al-Mawasi area in the southern Gaza Strip. They have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians to and from the area, which have caused extreme suffering for Palestinian civilians living in the area. With regard to education, 1430 schoolchildren study at one school in the area, which lacks electricity and water. The school also lacks teachers of a number of subjects, such as mathematics, physics and chemistry. Only one teacher from outside the area is allowed to teach at this school, and he is prevented sometimes from entering the area. As a result of such conditions, the school was forces to cancel the scientific section, so students who wish to study science have to go to Khan Yunis. Israeli troops frequently close al-Tuffah checkpoint at the entrance to the area. They have also continued to prevent female Palestinians whose ages are between 16 and 25, and male ones whose ages are between 16 and 30 from crossing al-Tuffah checkpoint when it is open, without prior coordination.

Israeli troops have also continued to impose a tightened siege on al-Sayafa area in the northern Gaza Strip. They have also imposed severe restrictions of the movement of Palestinian farmers. In the same context, Israeli troops have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians living in al-Ma’ni area near “Kfar Darom” settlement in the central Gaza Strip.

Israeli troops have continued to close Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip for the 3rd consecutive month. They only allow patients to travel through the crossing, but under severe conditions and following coordination. Although Israeli troops have partially operated al-Mentar (Karni) commercial crossing to the east of Gaza City, they have imposed severe restrictions on the flow of goods through the two crossing. As result, the Palestinian market has lacked several basic goods. Israeli troops partially opened Sofa crossing, northeast of Rafah, and allowed the entry of construction raw materials, but the crossing has remained closed in the face of Palestinian workers for the 3rd consecutive month.

Israeli troops have continued to impose severe restrictions on the travel of Palestinian civilians through Rafah Terminal on the Egyptian border, which have sharply decreased the number of travelers. In the past 4 months, Israeli troops had closed the terminal four times. Israeli troops often impose severe restrictions on traveling through the terminal. The number of Palestinians allowed to travel through the terminal daily is very limited.

The West Bank

Israeli troops have continued to impose a strict siege on Palestinian communities. They have also imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.

Jerusalem - Israeli troops imposed more restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. They erected more checkpoints on the main roads and stopped and checked Palestinian civilians. On Saturday morning, 20 November 2004, Israeli troops erected a temporary checkpoint near Nabi Samuel village and blocked the only road linking 9 Palestinian villages located to the northwest of Jerusalem with the city. Since the beginning of the current Intifada, Israeli troops have prevented residents of these villages from traveling in their cars and have allowed them to move only on foot.

Bethlehem - On Saturday morning, 20 November 2004, Israeli troops positioned at Etzion checkpoint stooped and checked dozens of Palestinian civilians. They humiliated these civilians. On Monday, 22 November 2004, Israeli troops positioned at various checkpoints around the town stopped, checked and humiliated hundreds of Palestinian civilians, including women and children. A number of these civilians sustained bruises.

Tulkarm - On Friday morning, Israeli troops erected 2 military checkpoints to the east of Nour Shams refugee camp and at Bala'a crossroads. On Saturday morning, 20 November 2004, Israeli troops erected a military checkpoint at Artah crossroads, south of the town. at approximately 16:00 on the same day, 21 November 2004, Israeli troops erected a checkpoint near al-Fardous mosque on Tulkarm – Nablus road. On Sunday, 21 November 2004, Israeli troops closed 'Ennab gate on Tulkarm – Nablus road and forced Palestinian civilians to move on foot.

Nablus - Israeli troops imposed more restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. Israeli troops erected a number of temporary checkpoints around the city. They stopped and searched Palestinian civilians.

Jenin - Israeli troops have continued to impose a tightened siege on the town for the 15th consecutive day. They have closed all of the main roads leading to the town and a number of alternative roads. They stopped and checked Palestinian civilians at various checkpoints around the town.

Jericho - This week, Israeli troops imposed more restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. They erected a number of checkpoints around the town, and stopped and checked Palestinian civilians.

Arrests at Military Checkpoints

At approximately 16:30 on Saturday, 20 November 2004, Israeli troops positioned at a military checkpoints near "Gush Etzion" settlement, southwest of Bethlehem, arrested Nader Mahmoud Talab 'Amru, 31, a journalist from Dura village near Hebron.

Continued Construction of the "Annexation Wall"

On Sunday morning, 21 November 2004, Israeli troops started to raze areas of Palestinian agricultural land in Beit Oula village, northwest of Hebron, for the purpose of the construction of the wall in the area. Hundreds of Palestinian farmers and international and Israeli peace activists demonstrated in Kherbat 'Attous areas to the west of the village. Israeli troops that escorting bulldozers fired live and rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. At least 15 demonstrators were wounded, including 16-year-old Ahmed Mohammed Taha al-'Amla, who was seriously wounded by a live bullet in the back. According to the local council of the village, Israeli troops have razed dozens of donums of agricultural land and at least 4000 donums of land would be threatened to be razed.

Recommendations to the International Community

  1. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their legal and moral obligations under article 1 of the Convention to ensure Israel's respect for the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. PCHR calls on the international community to immediately “ensure respect” for the Convention.
  2. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to convene a conference to take effective steps to ensure Israel's respect of the Convention in the OPTs and to provide immediate protection for Palestinian civilians.
  3. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to comply with its legal obligations detailed in article 146 of the Convention to search for and prosecute those responsible for grave breaches, namely war crimes.
  4. PCHR recommends international civil society organizations, including human rights organizations, bar associations and NGOs to participate in the process of searching for Israeli war criminals and to urge their governments to bring these war criminals to justice.
  5. PCHR calls upon the European Union to activate article 2 of the Euro-Israel Association Agreement, which provides that Israel must respect human rights as a precondition for economic cooperation between the EU states and Israel. PCHR further calls upon the EU states to strictly monitor of goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the OPT. PCHR also requests the application of the EU Guidelines on Arms Sales and requests that EU Missions and Embassies in Israel and the oPts press the Israeli government to apply and implement in full the recently agreed EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders.
  6. PCHR calls upon European governments to change their positions towards the Palestinian cause at UN bodies, particularly the General Assembly, Security Council and Commission on Human Rights.
  7. PCHR requests that the international community follow the advisory opinion of the ICJ when it called on the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention, through the UNGA and UNSC, to take effective measures to stop the construction of the annexation wall in the West Bank.
  8. In recognition of ICRC as the guardian of the Fourth Geneva Convention, PCHR calls upon the ICRC to increase its staff and activities in the OPT, including for facilitating family visitations to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.
  9. PCHR appreciates the efforts of international civil society, including human rights organizations, bar associations, unions and NGOs, and urges them to continue their role in pressuring their governments to secure Israel's respect for human rights in the OPTs and to end its attacks on Palestinian civilians.
  10. In light of the severe restrictions imposed by the Israeli government and its occupying forces on access of international solidarity groups to the OPT, PCHR calls upon European countries to deal the same way with Israeli citizens.
  11. PCHR reiterates that any political settlement not based on international human rights law and humanitarian law cannot lead to a peaceful and just solution of the Palestinian question. Rather, such an arrangement can only lead to further suffering and instability in the region. Any peace agreement or process must be based on respect for international law, including international human rights and humanitarian law.
