Israeli Massacre of Palestinians Continues
October 02, 2000

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) strongly condemns the Israeli government's brutality, inhumanity, and policy of terrorism against the Palestinian people, which has claimed 38 Palestinian lives in the past four days, and left more than 1000 injured, some of which suffer from critical or irrecoverable injuries.

First, and foremost, MIFTAH expresses its condolences to the families of the martyrs, and hopes for the quick recovery of the injured.

Murder, Brutality, Terrorism, and Inhumanity are the only words to describe Israel at this time.

Likud leader, Ariel Sharon, has ignited a bloody massacre through his pre-meditated incursion of Haram Al-Sharif in Jerusalem on Thursday 28/9/2000, accompanied by 4000 members of the Israeli security forces. Sharon, whose military past is soaked in the blood of hundreds of Palestinians, has once again revealed the ugly face of Israeli occupation and inhumanity against innocent Palestinian children, women, and men.

The events of the past four days are a clear reminder of Israel's lack of genuine commitment to peace in the region, and a reflection of its military and violent mentality, which seems to overshadow its legal commitment as a "partner for peace."

Images of Israeli soldiers firing live ammunition at Palestinian civilians solely for the purpose of killing are ample proof of their total disregard to Palestinian lives, and a disgusting exercise of mass murder.

In light of these incidents, MIFTAH calls for the full Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian land occupied in June 1967, and an unconditional implementation of UN Resolution 242.

We also urge the international community to place full legal responsibility on the Israeli government for its violation of the Palestinian people's most basic human rights, and to form an international body to investigate the killing of Palestinian civilians.

Finally, we call upon the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights (UNHCHR) to take the necessary steps in holding the Israeli government accountable to its brutality against human life, in accordance with its mandate of upholding the provisions of the United Nations Charter on Human Rights.