Destructive Behavior
February 25, 2002

US Senator Hillary Clinton seems to fully adopt Israel's distorted version of the Palestinian-Israeli reality. During her 'solidarity visit' to Israel, Senator Clinton stated "…Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat was a failed leader unable or unwilling to stop terrorism against Israelis." "The responsibility for the violence since the collapse of the Camp David discussions rests squarely on (Arafat's) shoulders," she said. The shortsightedness of Hillary Clinton in assessing the situation today is shameful. Israel's repeated rhetoric of a "generous offer" in Camp David II is nothing short of a delusion, serving nothing but the continuation of dangerous misperception and lack of real understanding of the conflict.

Such blatant attempts at blaming the victim and holding the 'occupied' responsible for the security of the 'occupier' only seem to fan the flames of conflict and widen the gap between Palestinians and Israelis; such direct assaults on the Palestinian Authority will only weaken the prospects of peace and place further barriers to an already deadlocked Palestinian-Israeli political process.

What Senator Clinton fails to understand (or willfully chooses not to acknowledge) is the fact that the Palestinian people are made to suffer under a brutal Israeli military occupation.

While Senator Clinton chooses to fully adopt Sharon's arrogant attitude of militarism and policies of bashing the Palestinians into submission, she fails to even acknowledge the horrors of Israel's assaults against a captive Palestinian population, let alone the root cause of the conflict: OCCUPATION.

Clinton's agenda has clearly been predetermined by the US Jewish vote; full pro-Israeli support for Hillary Clinton has a price: blind support for Israel. The Palestinians, meanwhile, will have to suffer.