Poll Result On Palestinian Attitudes Towards The Palestinian Political Issues
December 09, 2004

Poll no. 52 – December, 2004

Significant Opinion results

  • When Palestinians were asked to choose among the ten presidential candidates which one they are going to vote for, real contest was limited between Fatah candidate Mahmouh Abbas who received 31.9% of the votes while Marwan Bargouthi, running as independent, received 26.4% of the votes. Moreover, Abu Mazen and Marwan got almost the same results in Gaza with Abbas getting 31.1 percent and Marwan receiving 30.2 percent. The ratio differed in the West Bank though with Abbas getting 32.4 percent and Marwan settling with 24.1 percent of the votes.
  • A majority of Palestinians opposes military operations against Israeli targets as a suitable response under the current political conditions.
  • The poll shows a significant increase in the popularity of Fatah Movement with Hamas’ popularity showing considerable decline.
  • A majority of Palestinians supports the two state solution.
  • A majority of Palestinians feels optimistic regarding the future in general.
  • A majority of Palestinians expect the national unity to continue after the departure of President Arafat.
  • Most Palestinians believe there will be a change in the political positions of the new Palestinian leadership after the demise of President Arafat.

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