URGENT ALERT: Israeli indiscriminate killing: Full scale attacks on Balata and Jenin
By The Palestine Monitor
February 28, 2002

The Israeli army has launched a full scale attack on Balata Refugee Camp, Nablus, and Jenin city and refugee camp. Precise fatality figures are as yet unconfirmed, as the attacks still continue: at least two were killed in Balata, and five in Jenin. The final death toll is likely to be much higher; these attacks are indiscriminate and vicious.

The army attacked Balata with some 30 tanks and armoured personnel carriers and two apache helicopters at around 1 a.m. this morning, attempting to enter the camp from three sides. Palestinian ambulances were initially prevented from reaching the injured, resulting in a high number of casualties, and the Israeli army fired live ammunition at two Red Crescent ambulances. 61 Palestinians in Balata are seriously injured, in Jenin at least 40 are injured.

Balata refugee camp is home to 20,000, and Jenin refugee camp home to 18,000 Palestinian refugees who were dispossessed from their villages and land in 1948.

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