Why Blair's trip will not succeed
By David Hirst
December 22, 2004

The US is too partisan to see that the Palestinians cannot give more.

Since Yasser Arafat's death, international attention has turned away from Iraq to the other, older, most imperishable of Middle East crises. Tony Blair, who arrives in Ramallah tomorrow to talk to Arafat's successors, has urged President Bush to revitalise the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, "the single most pressing political challenge in our world today". Then, in a report contradicting administration orthodoxy, the Pentagon's defence science board said the two were malignantly linked; America's problems in Iraq and elsewhere arose not from Muslims' hatred of its freedoms, but of its policies and "what they see as one-sided support in favour of Israel and against Palestinian rights". To Arabs and Muslims, the Palestine problem, still a virulent legacy of western colonialism, was always the greatest single source of anti-western sentiment in the region. So if Islamist terror is now the greatest threat to global order and Iraq its most profitable arena, Palestine has a lot to do with the political climate in which it took root.

For Arabs and Muslims, the remarkable thing is the way the west has repeatedly ignored or overridden the centrality of Palestine in their psyche, with Iraq the latest, most blatant example. True, most Iraqis wanted to be rid of Saddam. But the more strategically or economically self-serving, badly managed, arrogant and bloody this US-led "liberation" has turned out to be, the more it is seen as another quasi-colonial western aggression in the region: another Palestine, in fact.

There were plenty of warnings, pre-invasion, that something like this would happen. Blair saw it would have been a very good idea to pave the way with a serious attempt to persuade the Palestinians that redress was at hand. But the US administration's pro-Israel neo-conservative hawks insisted that the road to peace in the Holy Land lay through Baghdad. So what, for Blair, would have been prudent risk-avoidance before the war now, in his post-war revival of it, looks more like a desperate bid to salvage what he can from a grim predicament.

Bush did promise to invest "political capital" in the other Middle East crisis. But the history of Israeli-Palestinian peace-seeking suggests that of all US presidents, he is just about the last to listen to what Blair - or even his own Pentagon advisory board - have to say.

It is not that US presidents have ever underestimated the importance of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The trouble is that, thanks to the partisanship noted in the Pentagon, they can never acknowledge the real nature of the problem: essentially one of decolonisation. So, far from opening up new opportunities, Arafat's death will almost certainly reconfirm that congenital inability - though this time because of Iraq and al-Qaida in more critical circumstances than ever. If the Palestinians were to secure the redress that other colonised peoples have, there would either be no Israel - as there is no Algérie Française - or a bi-national state, like South Africa, in which it would lose its exclusively Jewish character.

But the Palestinians are not demanding that. They have committed themselves, via Oslo, to the loss of 78% of their original homeland. If there ever is a settlement, this concession will rank as the greatest single contribution to it. It was under Arafat's auspices that they made it. Yet the US called him an "obstacle" to peace who had to be replaced by a "moderate" leadership that would persuade its people to give yet more.

But a new Palestinian leadership won't do that, least of all if it is clean and democratic, because, reflecting the popular will, it simply couldn't. That Sharon is no less an obstacle to peace than Arafat ever was, and Israeli "moderation" as necessary as Palestinian, is a thought that might occur to Bush, but it isn't one which, as similar thoughts in his first term taught him, he will find politic to act upon. US Middle East policies have always been shaped more by domestic politics than realities on the ground, and never more distortingly than today.

Arabs wonder anxiously whether the re-elected Bush will embark on more of the Iraq-like enterprises envisaged in the neo-cons' grand design for the region. Continued partisanship in Palestine, combined with deterioration in Iraq, will make it more likely. For, to America's growing exasperation, Iran has two "colonial" situations to exploit at its expense: the old one in Palestine, and the new, better one in Iraq; and it makes it clear that, if it is targeted by Bush-era pre-emptive force, it will exploit them to the hilt.

Any showdown will almost certainly come over the belief that Iran is about to get nuclear weapons. That would be very dangerous mainly because Israel has them, is determined to preserve its monopoly, and intimates that, if the US doesn't do something about it, it will - an act liable to reduce Iraq to a case of merely moderate turbulence compared with the regional tempest that would ensue.
