Israeli attack on emergency services
March 06, 2002

In Jenin today, the Israeli army opened fire on a Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance, killing the Head of Emergency Services, Dr Khalil Suleiman, and injuring two ambulance workers. The army also opened fire on another ambulance, hitting it with three live bullets and injuring the driver.

The Israeli army has attacked Palestinian emergency facilities throughout the Intifada:

PRCS and UPMRC report a combined total of 170 Palestinian physicians and nurses attacked. 11 doctors, nurses and ambulance drivers have been killed while on duty.

165 attacks on ambulances have been recorded in total.

Such attacks demonstrate the Israeli government’s grave disregard for international law, particularly articles 16 and 17 of the IV Geneva Convention which expressly protect medical services in conflict situations.

UPMRC calls on international organizations and individuals to protest the Israeli army’s inhumane and illegal behaviour towards medical personnel.

Please email:

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon or
Israeli Defence Minister Ben Eliezer:

or write to them at:

Office of the Prime Minister
3 Kaplan Street, PO Box 187
Kiryat Ben-Gurion
Jerusalem 91919
Fax: +972 2 651 2631

Please also call or write to your government representatives, urging them to speak out against the illegal policies of the Israeli army in the occupied Palestinian territories.

For more information contact Dr Mustafa Barghouthi – 050 254 218, and the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees: 02 298 0550