Marketing of Modi'in to South Africans
By Suraya Dadoo
January 04, 2005

Media Review Network is outraged that the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) and its allies are actively promoting the emigration of South African Jews to a settlement called Modi段n in the West Bank. Modi段n is built on stolen Palestinian land.

The Modi段n settlement, has annexed much of the land of the neighbouring Palestinian village of Budrus. In 1948, Israeli forces confiscated 80% of the village痴 land. As the apartheid wall continued to eat into Palestinian land in the West Bank, Budrus was in danger of losing a further 250 acres last year. Following a ruling from the Israeli Supreme Court on 30 June, the wall will be re-routed, but Budrus will still lose 45% of its remaining land when 44 acres of land will be confiscated and eventually become part of the Modi段n settlement to facilitate its expansion.

The Modi段n project flies undermines South African nation-building initiatives such as the Homecoming Revolution. It also impedes the peace process in Israel since the continued establishment and expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank remains an obstacle to peace. MRN calls on the SAZF to stop the marketing of the Modi段n settlement to South Africans immediately.

Over 380 000 Israeli settlers live in colonies in the West Bank, in spite of the fact that the settlements constitute a major violation of international law, UN Security Council Resolutions and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.

Suraya Dadoo is a researcher with Media Review Network ( a Pretoria-based advocacy group. She can be contacted via e-mail on or (011) 852 7301.