Israeli plans to build new prison in east Jerusalem
August 08, 2000

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) strongly opposes Israeli plans to construct a new prison in Sheikh Jarrah (east Jerusalem), to replace the one in west Jerusalem's Russian Compound.

The area designated by the Jerusalem District Planning Commission for the construction of the prison covers around 30 donams of the 354 donams expropriated by the government of Israel in 1968. The designated land is owned by 1948 Palestinian refugees from Lifta, as well as by residents of east Jerusalem.

These plans, which were initiated as far back as July 1999, undermine the very spirit of the peace process, particularly as the final status of Jerusalem is one of the main issues comprising current final status talks.

Under the provisions of international law, particularly with reference to UN Resolutions 242 and 338, Israel does not exercise sovereignty over east Jerusalem. With reference to the 4th Geneva Convention, Israel does not have the right to make territorial or demographic changes to the "occupied territories."

The Israeli government's decision to build the prison in east Jerusalem is a serious violation of legally binding agreements and must, therefore, be rectified in order to ensure justice.

MIFTAH urges all Palestinian institutions, and the international community at large, to take concrete action against these violations.