Result of Palestinian Public Opinion Polls No. 10 January 1-2, 2005
By An-Najah National University Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies
January 08, 2005

Result of Palestinian Public Opinion Polls No. 10 January 1-2, 2005


Within an international and local attention paid to Palestinian presidential elections, the candidates launched their campaigns which are basically focusing on the adherence to Palestinian basic demands which are summed up as: an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, the right to remove all settlements and the right of return. These demands are added to fighting corruption, reinforcing the rule of law, putting an end to chaos and insecurity on the Palestinian scene.

Along with these realities, there comes the boycott of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad to the presidential elections both as candidates and as voters. The Public Front however decided not offer a candidate and it declared its support for the independent candidate Mustafa al-Barghouti. As for Fateh, the People's Party and the Democratic Front, each one of them nominated a candidate for presidency. This is in addition to the fact that there are four independent candidates making the total numbers of candidates competing to occupy the position of the head of the Palestinian Authority seven.

The first round of Palestinian local councils’ election is over; elections were conducted in 26 locations on the 23rd of December, 04. In these elections, Fateh and Hamas won the majority of all seats.

It seems, however, that the presidential elections, regardless of who will win, will not lead to a breakthrough in the negotiation arena with the Israelis. Israel has already rejected the idea of a conference following Palestinian presidential elections in London to reactivate the Peace Process, which the British Prime Minster called for. Meanwhile, Israel is still involved in assassinations, the demolishing of houses, incursions in Palestinian cities, villages and refugee camps, heedless of local and international calls for a truce.

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