letter of nomination for Shireen Abu Aqleh for the International Women Media Foundation "2002 Courage in Journalism Award"
March 04, 2002

Amy Johnston
Director of Programs
International Women Media Foundation
1726 M. Street, Suite 1002
Washington D.C. 20036

Dear Amy,

I take great pride in nominating Ms. Shireen Abu Aqleh for your 2002 "Courage in Journalism Award."

Ms. Abu Aqleh has been a correspondent for Al-Jazeera Satellite Channel in Palestine for nearly 5 years. She has covered the events of the Intifada for the last 18 months, risking life and limb literally, in order to do her professional work.

The conditions of war are very dangerous for reporters who are civilians. It is recognized internationally the need for the media to enjoy freedom of expression, movement and personal safety. Recent events such as the Daniel Pearl assassination and the bombing of the two buildings housing the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporations' offices and studios in Ramallah and Gaza show a tendency by individuals and governments to silence the media. Media professionals and media facilities are increasingly being targeted in order to silence other perspectives and points of view.

The situation in Palestine as sited by the recently released International Press Institute annual review of world-wide press freedom states that there is undeniable evidence that the Israeli army has been targeting media.

Ms. Abu Aqleh has worked relentlessly showing great personal courage in going to all flash-points in order to cover the events and to bring out the voices of civilians and protagonists. She has shown great professionalism in spite of personal physical danger and she has been unwavering in putting her audiences right to know above all other considerations. Due to this Ms. Shireen Abu Aqleh now enjoys wide respect among fellow media professionals in the Arab world and among Arab audiences.

We would like to recognize her personal courage and professionalism by nominating her for your 2002 "Courage in Journalism Awards."

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Dr. Hanan Ashrawi
