IOF Continues to Impose a Strict Siege on the Gaza Strip
February 01, 2005

Contrary to Israeli official claims regarding easing measures of closure imposed on the Gaza Strip, Israeli occupation forces (IOF) have continued to completely or partially close all border crossings of the Gaza Strip, and impose severe restrictions on the internal movement of Palestinian civilians.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, IOF have continued to close al-Mentar (Karni) commercial crossing, east of Gaza City, since 14 January 2005. It is the sole commercial crossing between the Gaza Strip one hand, and Israel and the West Bank on the other. Many foodstuffs have started to disappear in the local markets, many industrial facilities have stopped their work due to the lack of raw materials imported from Israel and many farmers and traders have suffered from losses as they have not been able to export their products.

Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing in the northern Gaza Strip has been closed for 6 months. A number of patients who suffer from serious diseases are sometimes allowed to enter Israel but following prior coordination and under inhuman conditions. Traders and workers have been prohibited from traveling through the crossing. Erez industrial zone has also been closed, and only 40 Palestinians, who own factories in the area, are allowed to enter it.

With regard to internal movement, IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians through al-Matahen and Abu Houli checkpoints on Salah al-Din Street (the main road between the north and south of the Gaza Strip), even though they have increased the hours of opening the two checkpoints. They often close the two checkpoints and hold and check Palestinian civilians in between. IOF have also continued to close al-Tuffah checkpoint at the entrance to al-Mawasi area in the southern Gaza Strip in the face of Palestinian civilians wishing to enter the area. They have allowed Palestinian civilians to leave the area since 28 January 2005, excluding males aged between 16 and 35. Al-Tuffah checkpoint has been the sole entrance to the area after IOF had closed Tal al-Sultan checkpoint in Rafah more than one year ago.

IOF have also continued to close a number of roads inside the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the current Intifada, such as the western Rafah – Khan Yunis road in the southern Gaza Strip, Abu al-'Ajeen road between the villages of al-Qarara and Wadi al-Salqa in the central Gaza Strip and Salah al-Din Street at "Netzarim" and "Kfar Darom" junctions in the central Gaza Strip. Furthermore, IOF have continued to prohibit Palestinian civilians from using "Kissufim", "Morag" and al-Mentar roads in the southern and central Gaza Strip, which have been devoted for the movement of IOF and settlers. While Palestinians hopes that military checkpoints inside the Gaza Strip will be dismantled, PCHR is concerned that IOF may establish a new military checkpoint on the coastal road, south of Gaza City, as they established a sand hill, which is 6 meters high, only 50 meters away from the coastal road, which may be a prelude for establishing a huge military post in the area similar to an existing one near al-Matahen checkpoint. This new development poses a serious threat to the lives of Palestinian civilians as an Israeli tank is always positioned in the area. Recently, IOF have repeatedly closed the coastal road.

Contrary to Israeli official claims regarding the reopening of Rafah International Crossing Point on the Egyptian border for departing travelers on Monday, 31 January 2005, the crossing is still closed. The crossing had been totally closed since 12 December 2004, but has been reopened for entry of arriving travelers since 21 January 2005. The closure of the crossing has impacted the economic, social and cultural rights of Palestinian civilians.

PCHR believes that these measures of closure constitute a form of collective punishment, and remains concerned that the suffering of Palestinian civilians may increase due to such closure measures. PCHR draws the attention of the international community to these ongoing measures by the IOF which violate the letter and spirit of international humanitarian law. Consequently, PCHR calls upon the international community and humanitarian organizations to pressure the Israeli government conducting this belligerent occupation to comply with its obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.