Security Council, in Presidential Statement, Welcomes Resumption of Direct Talks Between Israeli Prime Minister, President of Palestinian Authority
By UN News Centre
February 17, 2005

Calls for Full Respect of Understandings On Cessation of Violence, Military Activities

The Security Council this evening welcomed the Summit in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, on 8 February, and the resumption of direct talks between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas.

In a statement read out by Council President Joel W. Adechi (Benin), the Council also underlined the understandings reached by Israel and the Palestinian Authority, in particular that Palestinians would stop all acts of violence against Israelis and that Israel would cease all its military activities against Palestinians. The Council called for the full respect by the parties of their commitments in that regard.

The Council recognized those understandings, along with other recent positive developments, as primary steps towards restoring confidence between the two parties and as a significant opportunity to enhance a new spirit of cooperation and to promote an atmosphere conducive to the establishment of peace and coexistence in the region.

In addition, the Council welcomed the initiative of the United Kingdom in convening an international meeting in London on 1 March to support Palestinian efforts to prepare the ground for a viable PalestinianState. It also welcomed the upcoming ministerial meeting of the Quartet -– European Union, Russian Federation, United Nations, United States -- which would convene on the margins of the London meeting.

The meeting began at 6:36 p.m. and adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Presidential Statement

Following is the complete text of the presidential statement, which will be issued as document S/PRST/2005/6:

“The Security Council welcomes the Summit in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, on 8 February 2005, and the resumption of direct talks between Prime Minister of Israel Mr. Ariel Sharon and President of the Palestinian Authority Mr. Mahmoud Abbas. The Council expresses its appreciation to President Hosni Mubarak of the Arab Republic of Egypt for the invitation to both parties to the Summit, and to King Abdullah II Bin al Hussein of Jordan for his participation.

“The Security Council underlines the understandings reached by the Government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, in particular that all Palestinians will stop all acts of violence against all Israelis everywhere and that Israel will cease all its military activities against all Palestinians everywhere. The Security Council calls for the full respect by the parties of their commitments in this regard.

“The Security Council recognizes these understandings, along with other recent positive developments, as primary steps towards restoring confidence between the two parties and as a significant opportunity to enhance a new spirit of cooperation and to promote an atmosphere conducive to the establishment of peace and coexistence in the region.

“The Security Council commends the role being played by Egypt and Jordan in facilitating a successful resumption of dialogue between the Government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority within the framework of the Road Map.

“The Security Council welcomes the initiative of the United Kingdom Government in convening an international meeting in London on 1 March to support Palestinian efforts to prepare the ground for a viable PalestinianState. The Security Council also welcomes the upcoming “Quartet” meeting at the ministerial level which will convene in the margins of the London meeting.

“The Council looks forward to further engagement by the Quartet with the two parties to ensure continued progress in the peace process and the full implementation of the Road Map and relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 1397 (2002), and 1515 (2003), towards the creation of an independent, viable, democratic and sovereign State of Palestine living side by side with Israel in peace and security.

“The Security Council looks forward to the establishment of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East.”