Ramallah’s Red Rose
March 21, 2002

Shortly after midnight in Ramallah's main road on March 21st, the disturbing emptiness of a once-bustling town centre was broken by the bright lights of Al-Warda Al-Hamra (The Red Rose); one of Ramallah's most popular flower shops is getting ready for this year's Mother's Day!

The florist at Al-Warda Al-Hamra was preparing for the expectedly overwhelming visits of daughters, sons, husbands, and friends, rushing into his shop this morning to get a fresh-smelling bouquet of colourful flowers for a loving mother and a dear wife; a special woman. Perhaps in some cases in Palestine, a widowed wife or a grieving mother will be consoled with a gift from Al-Warda Al-Hamra.

Ironically, less than a week ago, images of Israeli tanks shelling Al-Warda Al-Hamra haunted Ramallah; the classic Ramallah-style red bricked corner was partially shattered by Israeli tank shells during a three day reoccupation of the town. Fortunately, Al-Warda Al-Hamra was still able to recover in time for this year's occasion.

Yet many shattered lives in Palestine are irrecoverable. Since late September 2000, Israeli forces killed 1,242 Palestinians (including 50 women, and more than 250 children below the age of 18). Almost 18 months of Israeli killing, shelling, siege, assassination, and humiliation have replaced celebration in Palestine with grief, joy with sadness, proud mothers with painful memories of lost daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, fathers, and husbands. For many people in Palestine, a visit to the florist this morning is only a painful reminder of a lost mother; for many people in Ramallah, the bright lights of a Red Rose have forever been lost.
