PCHR Condemns Latest Incidents in al-Azhar University in Gaza and Calls upon Ministry of Education to Intervene to Protect the Educational Process at the University
March 04, 2005

PCHR is deeply concerned at latest incidents that have taken place in al-Azhar University in Gaza City, which threatened the lives of both professors and students and have led to the closure of the university. PCHR also condemns attacks by a number of the university students on classrooms and threats directed at the president and his deputy.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 14:00 on Monday, 28 February 2005 the Dean of the Faculty of Intermediate Studies and a number of staff members suspended education on that day, which was the first day of the final exams of the first term of diploma students. This prompted anger among students. At approximately 15:30, a number of students demonstrated against this decision. Soon after a number of these students raided the office of the Deputy President of the University for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mo'in Rajab, and asked him to leave the campus while other students tried to protect him from this attack.

At approximately 16:00, other students attempted to break into the office of Dr. Hani Nejem, President of the University. They also verbally assaulted him. A number of other students also burnt tyres at the northern entrance of the university and at the neighboring street and attacked a number of classrooms. Tension spread inside and outside the university until night, and the administration of the university called the police to protect the campus. A number of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) officials intervened in an attempt to end this crisis. The administration of the university decided to close the university for an unknown period.

These latest incidents followed administrative changes at the university, which have been taking place since the middle of February 2005. On 15 February 2005, the university Board of Trustees appointed Dr. Hani Nejem as the President of the University. On 26 February 2005, the Board formed a new administrative board for the university that includes the President, his deputies and Deans of faculties. Dr. Nejem started to take a series of administrative measures at the university, according to which staff members would not be able to work in the morning and evening periods together. A number of these staff members protested against these measures.

These latest incidents are an outcome of administrative problems at the university, including the intervention of students and members of security services into the administration, which have led to the spread of chaos and violence inside the university. These incidents and other similar incidents were also the outcome of the absence of the application of laws and regulations by the previous administration of the university, and the failure of supervising bodies to enforce the law. PCHR has supported efforts for administrative reforms at the university to preserve it as an important academic institution and ensure the students' right of education and the staff's legal rights.

PCHR condemns the use of force or the threat of it inside the university campus, which violate students' right of education and undermine academic freedom. PCHR calls for reopening the university and ensuring the right to peaceful assembly and protection for academic freedom inside the campus.

Subsequently, PCHR calls upon:

  1. The Ministry of Education to assume its legal responsibilities towards the university, including ensuring the resumption of the educational process, protection of students and staff members and the students' rights of education.
  2. The PNA to investigate these incidents and bring those found responsible for them to the Palestinian civil judiciary on the basis of respect for the rule of law.
  3. The PNA to prevent the intervention of a number of members of security services into the university's affairs, which has created a state of security chaos in a number of incidents, such as the murder of a lecturer, Yasser al-Madhoun, on 27 November 2004.
  4. The University Board of Trustees to implement its decisions related to the formation of the administrative board, and to investigate these latest incidents and take necessary measures against those found responsible for the damage incurred to the university and its staff and students.
