MIFTAH Condemns Recent Clashes between Palestinian Security Forces and Gunmen
March 05, 2005

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue & Democracy, (MIFTAH) denounces the recent clashes between Palestinian security forces and gunmen that took place throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territories in Gaza, Jenin and recently in Nablus.

On Friday the 4th of March, Palestinian gunmen and Palestinian security forces exchanged heavy gunfire in the West Bank town of Nablus for an estimated twenty minutes which left three people injured.

The incident began when a member of the Al-Awda martyrs brigade came to a police station in Nablus to visit his jailed brother, however, the person refused to abide by the security measures which sparked off a heated row. In response to the row, the Al Awda martyrs brigade member called on fellow members from the group to join him in attacking the police station.

Tensions between the Palestinian security services and Palestinian gunmen have been on the rise in recent days, including recent incidents in both Gaza and Jenin. On the 1st of March Palestinian Interior Minister Nasser Youssef had his car shot at in Jenin. Then on the 3rd of March, unidentified Palestinian gunmen fired at the house of former Civil Affairs Minister and Palestinian Legislative Council member Jamil Tarrifi.

In MIFTAH’s view these acts set a very dangerous precedent for the road ahead facing the Palestinian Authority in trying to round up and gather all arms under one unified and all inclusive Authority. However, bearing in mind that this process should be conducted and solved only through democratic means, including extensive dialogue between Palestinian factions and the Authorities.

Furthermore, MIFTAH calls on the international community, specifically the U.S. Administration, to pressure Israel to withdraw it forces from the Palestinian towns and cities in order to facilitate the smooth transition for the Palestinian Authority in undertaking its duties in a comprehensive and professional manner so as to protect its civilian population, which will be conducive to the Sharm El-Sheikh truce agreement.

Finally, MIFTAH calls upon the Palestinian Authority to increase its efforts in establishing itself as the sole Authority, implementing the rule of law, as well as rounding up illegal arms in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
