What Peace?
April 01, 2002

In an effort to "uproot terrorism" in the Palestinian occupied territories, Sharon stated in a speech to the Israelis on Sunday night that the Palestinian president Yasser Arafat is "the enemy of Israel and the enemy of the free world." His speech was broadcasted while dozens of Israeli tanks and soldiers surrounded Arafat's presidential compound in Ramallah for the fourth consecutive day since the re-occupation of the city on Friday, March the 29th. In an interview to CBS "60 minutes," Sharon further accused Arafat of being "an obstacle to peace," stating that Israel "doesn't have to deal with him anymore."

Ironically, while Arafat was trapped in one room of his presidential compound without contact with the outside world, two suicide bombs over the course of Sunday afternoon resulted in killing a total of 17 Israelis and wounding dozens others. The first suicide bomb, claimed by Hamas, rocked a busy restaurant in a shopping center in Haifa, while the second blasted in Efrat, a settlement near the city of Bethlehem, and was claimed by Fateh's Al-Aqsa Brigades.

These attacks came as a response to the recent aggression in Ramallah. Israeli soldiers not only assassinated and detained innocent civilians, but also damaged private property like cars and the interior of homes, while holding a whole population under siege without food, medicine, electricity, and in most cases without water. They also stormed into hospitals with dogs, trapped doctors and nurses in confined places to prevent them from assisting patients, broke into supermarkets causing massive damage and loss to owners. All of these violent actions were reported with the hard work and assistance of Arabic news media based in Ramallah, like Al-Jazeera and Abu-Dabi TV stations, which recently have been prevented from roaming around town in an effort to suppress reports on Israeli aggressive military actions.

It is predicted that the Israeli efforts to "uproot terrorism" in the Palestinian territories will only result in escalated violence in a continued effort to end occupation. Sharon's intentions to break apart the Palestinian Authority by ordering the assassination and detention of Palestinian Security Forces taking shelter in downtown Ramallah shopping centers, added to the isolation of Arafat in his presidential compound, will only rid him of the only Palestinian political party that negotiated peace with Israel. This will also convert the majority of Palestinian and Arab peace supporters into angry rebels.

Simultaneous to these events, a group of European peace activists carrying white flags were able to enter Arafat's presidential compound Sunday afternoon to show solidarity with Arafat and the Palestinians' endurance against the recent Israeli aggression. This move was taken as a symbol of denial by all peace activists and human rights supporters worldwide to Israel's policy of belligerence and humility towards Palestinians.

In the same interview with CBS "60 minutes," Sharon added that he is still open to peace talks and would discuss the Saudi peace initiative with Arab leaders, only after his mission to end "terrorism" in the occupied territories is over. However, how can Sharon gain the trust of Arabs after he has detained Arafat and tormented the Palestinian people?

What is needed right now is a serious intervention from Arab, European, and American leaders to end Israeli aggression towards Palestinians in order for both sides to reconvene the peace process. Without an end to Israeli occupation there will be no halt to the cycle of violence in the region.
