New Wave of Settlement Activity
April 13, 2000

latest vicious wave of illegal settlement activity across the "occupied territories" has clearly underlined Palestinian anger, disbelief, and distrust with Israel, and the peace process altogether.

The Israeli Settlements Council has started expansion work in the settlement of Har-Gilo, south of Jerusalem, only hours after a similar decision was taken in the settlement of Efrat. Moreover, a new settlement will be constructed at the expense of Palestinian land in Salfeet, and land-leveling work by Israeli bulldozers in Hebron seems to confirm that a new "project" is underway.

Is Israel committed to the peace settlement or the settlements' peace?

The Israeli government must realize that no real peace with the Palestinians is possible without justice, without an expression of genuine will to "end the occupation." The current status of Israeli settlements, let alone the construction of new ones, places detrimental obstacles in the road to peace, and stand in grave violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

MIFTAH affirms that the continuation of Israel's "provocative" settlement activities adds more volatility to an already explosive situation. Israel must immediately and comprehensively cease all settlement activity if hopes for reconciliation are ever to become a reality.