What's New?
April 27, 2002

Since March 29th which marks the start of military incursions into Palestinian cities, streets, institutions and homes, the Palestinian people have learned to endure the harshest forms of military occupation. These attacks are carried out by Israeli troops, who are using tanks, missiles, rockets and warplanes against a captive civilian population. There has been close to 300 bodies recovered so far as Palestinians continue their search for corpses, which they seem to be able to smell but not situate. Israel has denied, for two weeks, humanitarian aids from entering areas such as Jenin and Nablus where many cries from under the rubble had to be left unattended for.

The Israeli army has also targeted NGO's (Non-government organizations) promoting human rights, relief, democratization and society empowerment, these institutions serve the civil society and are mostly funded by Europe and America. Bombing the water generator, breaking down the electrical lines, tearing down classrooms and attacking the Ministry of Education as well as the Ministry of Higher Education, all aim at completely destroying Palestinian society and their way of life. TV and radio stations have also been destroyed, while tanks managed to leave their mark in every street and neighborhood intruded by the Israeli troops.

A UN fact-finding mission was due to arrive at Jenin refugee camp Saturday 27th, but has been delayed as a result of Israeli preconditions and pressure. Israel claims to "have nothing to hide" but has been discrediting and attacking the UN in an effort to foil any possible conclusions the mission might construe.

In the meantime, Arab leaders are visiting America and warning George W. Bush from the dangers of turning a blind eye to Sharon and believing that he is a "man of peace." The Arab positions are weak and limited to requesting America to try and appear as a fair mediator, or at least apply enough pressure to get Sharon to comply with US requests of "immediate withdrawal" these requests are about three weeks old today. All along the Saudi initiative, which was endorsed by all Arab nations in the Beirut summit, is looked upon as a refreshing new proposal and is being accepted and praised by Europe and America. It is important to remember that the Palestinians had accepted these same guidelines (1967 borders) and has recognized Israel as an independent state.

The Palestinians need to see actions taking place in order to replant a little hope of a viable solution to the crises at hand. Fears of Sharon's "defensive wall" operation are illustrious. The operation, which has only completed the first stage, includes political assassinations, incursion into Gaza, buffer zones and transfer of Palestinian Jerusalem residents out of east Jerusalem and are all coming up in the next stages of the operation. If this operation is allowed to proceed then the Palestinian existence is at stake and is the target of this current Israeli government.

Appeasing Sharon is hazardous, for he has no intentions of halting settlement activity, or respecting any previous agreements signed, or even having peace and coexistence with the Palestinians. It is time to shift international pressure against the Israeli leader for he needs not to be rewarded for war crimes, or for defying and undermining the international community. The Israeli people, who are responsible for electing Sharon, need to have him exposed and out of office in order to save their humanity.
