Israel Violates Marwan Barghouthi’s Basic Rights
April 29, 2002

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) views with serious alarm and concern the Israeli government’s illegal measures against Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Member Mr. Marwan Barghouthi, who was detained by Israeli forces in Ramallah on April 15, 2002.

Since his arrest, Mr. Barghouthi has faced the harshest conditions, including various forms of torture and illegal intimidation by Israeli authorities. Israeli police have systematically prevented Mr. Barghouthi from sleeping, denied him his basic needs (such as food, water, and medical treatment) and have threatened him with violent actions against his family and friends. (Source: Mr. Jawad Boulos, Barghouthi’s Lawyer)

Israeli authorities have denied Mr. Barghouthi his right to legal counseling (except a single meeting with Mr. Jawad Boulos on April 16th), and have kept him in complete isolation for the past 12 days. Israeli authorities have prevented the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) from seeing Mr. Barghouthi, which is a blatant violation of his rights in accordance with basic international humanitarian law, and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.

MIFTAH calls on the international community, in particular human rights organizations, to take immediate steps in providing the necessary needs for Mr. Brghouthi, including legal counseling, and ensuring Israel’s abidance by international humanitarian law. We specifically call on these organizations to pressure Israel to end Mr. Barghouthi’s isolation and to provide him with immediate health care.

Israel must not be allowed to defy the basic rights of Mr. Barghouthi, both as prisoner and human being.