Israeli Ministerial Committee’s Investigations of the Legality of 42 Settlements do not fulfill the minimum expectations
October 11, 1999

The Israeli ministerial committee that was set up by Prime Minister Ehud Barak to investigate the "legality" of the 42 settlements constructed after the signing of the Wye River memorandum held its first meeting yesterday; it concluded that the Prime Minister should take all necessary measures in determining the fate of sites that have been illegally constructed to date.

It may seem that the Israeli government is finally abiding by the provisions of International Law, thus, has decided to take concrete steps in halting illegal settlement activities on "occupied Palestinian territories"; however, concerns are raised as we begin to look more closely into the outcomes of the committee's first meeting.

From the 42 concerned locations (settlements), the committee stated that only 7 should be evacuated; in other words, that 7 out of 42 settlements fall squarely within the criteria of "illegal" settlement activities.

In light of these statements, MIFTAH re-asserts its grave concern regarding the Israeli government's inefficiency to deal comprehensively with the settlements issue.

Prime Minister Barak was expected, upon his official assumption of power a few months ago, to take the necessary measures in dismantling "all" settlements in order to pave the way for the achievement of a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in the region.

MIFTAH views, without exceptions, Israeli settlement activities as violations of internationally binding agreements; most notably, the Fourth Geneva Convention, which clearly states that the occupying power cannot displace parts of its own population into the territories it occupied.

The committee's first session has achieved nothing within framework of the expected steps on the part of the Israeli government to counter illegal settlement activities.

MIFTAH strongly urges the Israeli ministerial committee, in particular Prime Minster Barak, to reconsider yesterday's conclusions and adopt a more firm policy to dismantle illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territories, if hopes for genuine peace in the region are to ever become a reality.