Statistic Report Issued by the PNA Statistic & Planning Department until 15/5/2005
By Abed EL–Nasser Ferwana
June 02, 2005

Palestinian National Authority
Ministry of Detainees Affairs
Statistic Report issued by Statistic & Planning Department until 15/ 5 / 2005

The total number of prisoners inside the Israeli jails are 8500 .
391 from them are before Oslo .
There are 623 prisoners are before Al Aqsa Intifada “28/9/2000” , distributed as shown in the following table :

The Region

Number Of Prisoners


Gaza Strip


28.3 %

West Bank


50.7 %

Jerusalem and 48 areas and other areas


21 %



100 %

Nowdays the total number of prisoners according to our recorded are 5951 prisoners , all of them get salaries from the ministry of detainee’s affairs .

Notice : there are about 2500 prisoners didn’t recorded in the ministry some of them work in the Palestinian National Authoritys’ establishments and the others are new prisoners and we do as possible as to register them in the ministry .

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