MIFTAH Condemns Israel’s Decision to Complete Wall
July 11, 2005

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JERUSALEM – July 11, 2005 – On Sunday the Israeli Cabinet approved Sept. 1 to be the completion date of the 8 m high, 730 km long Apartheid Wall in the West Bank, cutting off 55,000 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem from their work, schools, hospitals and families.

The decision was made after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called for workers to speed up building the Apartheid Wall, including closing off Jerusalem, which will separate Palestinians from the holy city they want as the capital of a future Palestinian state. If completed, the Wall will de facto annex 47 percent of the West Bank, isolating Palestinian communities into Bantustans, enclaves and military zones. And only 12 percent of historic Palestine will be left for all Palestinians.

While Israel claims the Wall is for “security” purposes, the strategic path of it actually reveals it as a land grab for incorporating much more of the West Bank into the boundaries of Israel, and, thus, creating new facts on the ground. Not only is this Wall a violation of the road map, which Israel agreed to move forward on in the peace process in 2003, but it is also illegal according to the International Court of Justice’s ruling last year, which called on Israel to stop construction and dismantle what was already built.

The fact that Israel made this decision the day after the one year anniversary of the ICJ ruling is a slap in the face to the international community, exposing Israel’s arrogance that it is above international law. But even more importantly, the Apartheid Wall takes away more of Palestinians’ already diminished human rights and freedoms. Israel’s not-so-subtle goal is to drive the Palestinians out of Jerusalem, so that Israel can annex it fully, eliminating the possibility of Jerusalem being a final-status issue in future peace negotiations.

MIFTAH condemns Sunday’s decision and calls on Israel to comply with international law and put an immediate stop to the Wall’s construction. Israel’s decision is an unacceptable exercise of political power to advance Israel’s agenda, which are adversary to Palestinian rights to freedom and self-determination, as well as international law.

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy, MIFTAH, is a non-governmental, non-partisan Jerusalem-based institution dedicated to fostering democracy and good governance within Palestinian society through promoting public accountability, transparency, the free flow of information and ideas and the challenging of stereotyping at home and abroad.

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