Protection of Civilians - Weekly Briefing Notes 29 June – 5 July 2005
July 13, 2005

Protection – Deaths and injuries ▪ Shelter and Property – People displaced, House demolitions, Demolition orders ▪ Natural Resources - Land levelling, Requisitions, Tree Uprooting ▪ Access for Medical Assistance - Incidents involving safety and movement of ambulances, medical teams, humanitarian organisations ▪ Access and Movement for Civilians - Curfews, Access to education, Access to employment, Closures/Movement restrictions ▪ Additional Protection Issues

Of note this week:

  • Violence continues in the Gaza strip (section 1).
  • Barrier demonstrations continue (section 1).
  • More than 200 Palestinians were displaced following house demolitions in the West Bank (section 2).
  • Approximately 75 rockets and mortars were fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israeli (section 6).

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