Poll # 139 Sympathetic With The United Kingdom
July 20, 2005

Poll No. 139
Date: 19 July 2005

Dear Madam,
Dear Sir,

The goal of this survey is to investigate the opinions of the public regarding Abu Mazen's declarations concerning granting the Palestinian refugees who live in neighboring countries the right of citizenship by these countries. Further, the survey aims at revealing the position of the Palestinians from Abu Mazen's declarations regarding the attack of Natanya and the attacks of London along with other issues.

Please feel quite free to contact us if you have further questions.

Yours faithfully

Dr. N. Kukali Director of the PCPO

In the latest public opinion poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali and conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO):

  • (62.7%) Support the establishment of a transitory national unity government.
  • (49.1%) Of the respondents are to various degrees sympathetic with the United kingdom (UK).
  • (49.7%) Of the respondents support to various the position of Abu Mazen with regard to the blowup operation in Natanya.
  • (43.9%) Of the respondents believe that the goal behind Abu Mazen's declarations is to minimize the principle of the right of the Palestinian refugees to return back to their lands.

From Majd Kokaly – Information Section

In the latest poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali and conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) in the period from (13–18) of July, 2005 during different working hours, a random sample of (820) Palestinian adults over 18 years was included, representing the various demographic models of the Palestinian society in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip. Dr. Kukali, the Director of Palestinian Center for Public Opinion said that this survey reveals that the majority of the Palestinians are sympathetic with the United Kingdom concerning the attacks against the network of public transportation carried out on july7, 2005. Dr. Kukali added that (62.7%) of the respondents support the establishment of a national unity government. Dr. Kukali also showed that (43.9%) of the respondents believe that the declarations of Abu Mazen to Abu Dhabi space channel concerning granting the right of citizenship to the Palestinian refugees who live in the neighboring Arab countries aim at minimizing the right of these refugees to return back to their occupied lands.

Dr. Kukali said the results of the poll were as follows:

To View The Full Report in English and Arabic as PDF File (180)KB
