The Gaza Strip Facts, Figures and UNDP’s Response to the Ongoing Crisis
By Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
September 22, 2005


The Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated places on earth. With a total area of 365 km2 and population of over 1.3 million, Gaza has suffered immensely under an Israeli military occupation that has lasted for 38 years. Since the beginning of the second Intifada, or Palestinian uprising which began in September 2000 and the resulting escalation in tensions, the situation for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip has worsened, with marked increases in unemployment, poverty levels and deaths. Not only have people’s livelihoods been severely affected during this period, but entire families have been rendered homeless due to house demolitions and the crippling effect of closures have been widely felt with many prevented from reaching their places of work and children unable to attend their schools.


The Gazan economy has been greatly affected during the last four years due to a combination of unemployment, closures, curfews and restrictions placed on workers and industries. With unemployment in Gaza reaching alarmingly high levels, even the everdecreasing number of Palestinian labourers permitted to enter Israel to work have been regularly prevented from doing so. During the month of December 2004, the designated crossing for these workers was subject to a total of 24 days of full closure. Goods being exported have also been subject to similar restrictions, with all external borders controlled by the Israeli military.


The Gazan economy is largely dependant on agriculture, however due to closures and land razing this sector has been greatly affected, particularly over the past four years. Military operations have resulted in the demolition of greenhouses and agricultural infrastructure, razing of agricultural land and wide-spread damage to crops, which in the past four years has resulted in increased food insecurity and losses of up to US$317,335,084. More than 50% of the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun’s agricultural land has been destroyed in the last four years.


Infrastructure in the Gaza Strip has been severely affected by lack of funds for upgrades and rehabilitation, in addition to destruction incurred during military operations. From electricity and sewerage networks, to access to roads and clean, running water, basic daily requirements have not been maintained. Particularly over the past four years, municipal buildings and schools have been occupied, damaged or destroyed and roads rendered inoperative. This has necessitated greater action on the part of international organisations.

House Demolitions

The past four years have witnessed a marked increase in damages incurred to the homes of refugees and non-refugees in the Gaza Strip, including the complete demolition of homes. This has resulted in thousands of Palestinian men, women and children being made homeless. Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip has been most affected by this practice, with entire neighbourhoods destroyed during wide-scale operations.

UNDP/PAPP’s Response

In response to the complex-set of problems facing the Gaza Strip, UNDP/Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDP/PAPP), has initiated a wide-range of projects, including rehabilitation of agricultural land; employment generation projects and vocational training; infrastructure projects, including construction and rehabilitation of houses, schools, community and health centres, water and sewerage networks, roads, electricity systems and municipal and government buildings; support to microfinance projects; and institution building.

These projects have been funded and supported by a number of agencies and governments, including the Government of Japan, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the German Development Bank (KfW), the Austrian Government, the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and the Islamic Development Bank.

Despite the challenges and uncertainty that lies ahead, UNDP/PAPP is determined to continue its broad support and assistance to the people of the Gaza Strip.

Quick Facts About GAZA

  • Population: 1,363,513
  • Total area: 365 km2 (45km long, 2-5km wide)
  • Population growth: 5.4%
  • Number of registered Palestine refugees: 824,622
  • Gazan refugee population as a percentage of total: 60.4%
  • Number of refugee camps: 8 The largest and most densely populated Palestinian refugee camp is Jabaliya, just north of Gaza City, where 90,000 people live in an area of 3km2.
  • Unemployment: 38%
  • Percentage of population living below the poverty line (US$2 per day): 73%
  • Number of children killed during Israeli military operations in Gaza in the last four years: 358 (26% of total Palestinians killed in Gaza)
  • Number of homes completely demolished during Israeli military operations in the last four years: 2704 This has resulted in a total of 25,000 Palestinians being made homeless. UNDP/

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