Urgent Appeal - Al Quds University
By Al Quds University
July 09, 2002

Al-Quds University is the only Arab University in the city of Jerusalem providing education and community services to towns, villages and refugee camps located in the region. It is currently facing a major crisis in the form of lack of funds, brought upon by the dire prevailing situation in Palestine. It is under threat of closure, being unable to provide salaries to its 723 employees and faculty members, every one of whom provides support for a family consisting on the average of 5 persons, and who have been suffering from severe living conditions due to their dependence on monthly salaries as their sole source of income.

The University has not been able to pay any salaries for the past three months due to decreasing resources mainly from students' tuition and contributions. Students are unable to pay fees due to increasing unemployment and deteriorating economic conditions.

Its ten faculties (Arts, Science and Technology, Medicine, Dentistry, Public Health, Law, Quran and Islamic Studies, Health Professions, Engineering and Jurisprudence) accommodate over 6 thousand students from the Districts of Jenin, Tulkarim, Hebron, Bethlehem, Nablus, Ramallah and Jericho.

The Board of Trustees, and the university administration hereby appeal to those concerned for immediate financial assistance in order to save this historic and significant academic institution in Jerusalem from closing down.

The prevailing unrest, the Intifada, and the massive Israeli military campaign against Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza, have curtailed the resources of funding. The employees,faculty and staff members are unable to provide subsistence for their children and families and even transportation to their workstation.

In order for the university to sustain its mission and carryout services and functions there is a need for a budget of JDs 480,000 (or its equivalent of US$ 675,000).

Contributions and support, in endowments, transfers, cash, or pledges may be directed to the: Staff Relief Fund, Al-Quds University, at The Arab Bank

Bethany Branch
Account #: 300-940
Account Name: AL-Quds University
Branch Swift Code: ARAB PS 22100
Branch #: 9100

All contributors (Individuals, Institutions and Foundations) will be properly recognized, and duly acknowledged.

The Board of Trustees, the Administration, Faculty members and Students extend their appreciation and gratitude to all who will join in this humanitarian and educational campaign.
