Disarming Palestinians
July 12, 2002

In the past three days, Israel has been targeting Palestinian educational institutions in a direct manner. AL-Quds University offices in east Jerusalem have been closed down as well as the Polytechnic/Hebron and University of Hebron. Today, Israeli tanks are surrounding Birzeit University, including the student dorms while the town of Birzeit is placed under military curfew. An Israeli attack against Palestinian education is nothing new, but seems to be taking an increasingly direct approach, targeting Palestinian empowerment through damaging, attacking and shutting down of educational institutes.

Palestinian education has endured some of the harshest violations of basic human rights. Israeli settlers firstly attacked the new Palestinian curriculum launched in 1999, which was put together by a team of Palestinian academics, who very carefully tiptoed around sensitive issues, but where still violently attacked. UNESCO and the European Union investigated the curriculum and found no grounds for settlers' claims of incitement anywhere; in fact, the Israeli curriculum was to be investigated for incitement of hate. Secondly, schools have become a popular post for Israeli soldiers to capture and turn into army camps during their many incursions into Palestinian territories. Looting soldiers and armored vehicles and tanks have damaged many schools and have left over two hundred students under the age of 18 dead.

Palestinians have always worked hard to carry on with their education. During the 1987 Intifada there was mobility but all the schools and Universities where closed down, while many towns and cities where frequently under curfew. Palestinian educators and parents creatively set up community neighborhood schools and colleges, teaching students at their own homes. These gatherings where soon considered illegal by the Israeli army, but did not deter the Palestinian aspirations for a good education, in spite of Israeli efforts to suppress them. During Al-Aqsa Intifada, schools and universities remained open but the roads to and from educational institutes and towns have become impossible if not nonexistent. Teachers and faculty members were forced to teach in the area in which they live, if possible. Tawjihi exams (High School Graduation Exams) resumed, despite curfews and constant Israeli efforts to undermine Palestinian education, by showing up at exam halls intimidating and arresting students.

Israel, especially with the current extremist government, is trying to create a generation that will speak their language and escalate the violence by diminishing any hope of dialogue. This government thrives on war, which keeps extremists in power feeding the circle of violence while at the same time feasting on it. America's call for reform and democracy is not achievable when Palestinians are denied education; many non-governmental institutions that promote education, civil society empowerment, democracy and dialogue have been targeted and destroyed by Israel. Meanwhile, the Palestinians realize the Israeli intentions but will hold on to their only weapon, education. Palestinians will fight occupation using their pens and papers and their unbreakable will and ability to adjust and readjust until they achieve their rights and live in freedom, peace and prosperity.
