Read the Fine Print
November 21, 2005

New Page 1

While regional papers have been entirely consumed this week with endless analyses of the seismic shifts that currently convulse Israeli politics – the possible rejuvenation of Labor under Amir Peretz’ leadership; the possible dissolution of Likud; the possible formation of a new centre-right party comprised of pro-Sharon-Likud and old-Labor – the most sobering news of the week has been shunted to the sidelines. Indeed, one would have to be a diligent peruser of the fine print in the lesser pages to gather that Israel’s government issued several tenders last week to invite continued house construction - i.e., illegal expansion - in three large West Bank settlements (Ma’ale Adumim, Adam and Ariel) in clear contravention of its obligations under the road map.

This latest news constitutes a slap in the face not just to the Palestinian National Authority, which continues its struggle to maintain calm in the Territories, and to all Palestinians, who continue to struggle to live normal lives despite the continued dispossession of their lands and livelihoods, but also to American President Bush, and his Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, who reiterated several times during her visit to the region last week that she expected Israel to put a halt to all settlement expansion activities and to evacuate all illegal outposts.

Coming so soon after a spate of Israeli extra-judicial assassinations of Hamas and al-Aqsa militants earlier this week, the latest news about settlement expansion in the West Bank indicates the Government of Israel’s determination to prevent the paltry cease-fire (that passes for peace in these parts) from succeeding. Given that Israeli government officials continue to drone on in public about the PNA’s failure to meet its obligations under the roadmap to “prevent terrorism,” the latest settlement expansion reveals not only the deep cynicism of the Government of Israel but also its cleverly concealed intention to do all it can to provoke acts of "terrorism" which will in turn be used as justification for, first, the continued denial of vital freedoms to all Palestinians and, second, the continued refusal to begin bi-lateral negotiations with the Palestinian government.

Settlements have historically been used by the Israeli government for a variety of strategic and political reasons, many of which have to do with the desire to grab as much land as possible from the Palestinians before “final status” talks began, in order to give as little of it up as possible during negotiations. It is a sobering thought that these days the settlements serve another, and far more dangerous, purpose entirely – to retard at all costs any real talk about peace.

As political analysts and experts around the world ponder the effects of the latest shifts in internal Israeli politics on the what-passes-for-peace-but-is-anything-but process, they would do well to ponder, also, the deleterious effects on that process of the news printed in small print on the inner pages of the newspapers.

As Maale Adumim continues to expand, the chances for a peaceful settlement through the creation of a viable, territorially contiguous Palestine continue to recede.  That fact must be highlighted, no matter the breaking news of the day.