Farewell Letter
By Timothy Rothermel, Special Representative of UNDP/PAPP
November 23, 2005

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Dear Friends,

It's a truism that all things must come to an end, and the privilege that I have had of working in Palestine is no exception. After over nine years of residence here and many more years of being associated with the work ofUNDP/PAPP, I will be returning to New York next week.

The time that I have spent here has, truly, marked the very best years of my life, and this has been made possible by colleagues and friends who have made these years so remarkably enjoyable and hopefully, in a modest way, somewhat productive. Together we have faced unexpected challenges, and equally unexpected rewards. And very sadly the march toward a just and lasting peace for Palestine has taken so much longer than I ever imagined. But having come to know, respect and cherish the Palestinian people, I am confident that - hopefully soon - their aspirations will be achieved.

My thanks go out to all of you for years of genuine kindness, unstinting support and generosity.  Your collective names would fill pages, but you know who you are - most importantly P APP colleagues, but so many others from all walks of life in Palestine, from the Palestinian Authority, in Israel, the international community, UNDP's Headquarters, sister UN organizations, shopkeepers, neighbors and so many others. You will always remain in my heart and I in your debt.

At least for me change will not be easy, and I'm not ashamed to admit that over the weeks and months ahead, there will be a few tears shed over many memories which we share. On the other hand, it will be a chance to spend more time with Joan and with Sara and David, who are no longer the kids they both were when I arrived here. I'm including an e-mail and mailing address below and I sincerely hope that we will continue to keep in contact.

In closing, I'll quote the friend of many of you, the late Bradford Morse, and say peace, goodness and love to all.


Timothy Rothermel
Special Representative

10 Mitchell Place
New York, NY 10017,
timrotherrne145@aol.com Telephone 212-986-4579

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