Israel’s Latest Tactics: Demolish and Deport Palestinians
July 20, 2002

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) is appalled by Israel's new revolting policy of demolishing Palestinian homes and deporting the close relatives of alleged Palestinian attackers resisting occupation through military means.

Israel's latest tactic of collective punishment against the Palestinian people simply because they are family members of Palestinian activists is a discriminatory act that will not go unnoticed. Ariel Sharon and his extreme government is well aware that by detaining the numerous relatives for hours of questioning on end, destroying their homes with bulldozers and then deporting them to Gaza will only cause grave repercussions leading to more violence and bloodshed in the region.

Ariel Sharon's trite proclamation of Israel's right to "security" has been well-heard by the Palestinian people and the international community, which can also be translated as Israel's sham pre-text to further violate, assassinate, persecute and annihilate the entire Palestinian people.

MIFTAH urges the United Nations Security General, Kofi Annan to step up and do more than warn Israel with mere words for its horrific acts. The United Nations must take immediate action and impose necessary sanctions against Israel for its newest policy of creating a racist collective punishment against innocent Palestinian civilians.

MIFTAH urges the international community to end Israel's illegal actions against the Palestinian people and to immediately stop Israel from destroying and deporting innocent Palestinian civilians.