Israel strikes residential area in Gaza murdering innocent civilians
July 23, 2002

As Tuesday, July 23, 2002 was just rolling in, Israeli occupation forces carried out an operation that lead to the death of 13 Palestinians, 8 of whom were innocent children under the age of 13. Israel used American made F16 to obliterate densely populated area destroying 4 buildings, one of which was a 4-storey apartment block. Beyond those murdered, this swift military blitz produced more than a 140 injured Palestinians, ten of whom are in critical condition. Surveying the carnage leaves one with a look of shock as several bodies were torn apart.

Ariel Sharon praised the murderous operation and congratulated the soldiers for unleashing a horrendous campaign of terror against Palestinian civilians. The United Nation Secretary General Annan condemned the attacks against civilians in their residential areas. The White House on the other hand remained silent with no statement or condemnation of the attack, for the Palestinians life is not as worthy as that of an Israeli.

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of a Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) urges the international community to condemn these attacks, and to take immediate steps to protect the Palestinian people from the horrors of Israel's militaristic measures and policies. The international community is legally and morally bound to take a stance against such atrocities, particularly in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.

MIFTAH urges all institutes of civil society, human rights groups, and governments of the international community to break the silence and take real steps to end Israel's aggression against a captive Palestinian population. Israel's state terrorism must be brought to an end by the courage and will of Humanity.