Good Old Gaza
December 27, 2005

It can never be enough to merely highlight the events taking place in the recently liberated Palestinian Territory of Gaza. Gaza was freed of its illegal settlers and military installations only three months ago on August 15. Sadly however, since the eviction of settlers and army installations the situation in Gaza has not improved, nor does it seem to be heading in the right direction. Yesterday, following an incident where Qaasam rockets were fired into southern Israel the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, along with his Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz, proposed a plan to establish an Israeli controlled buffer zone that Palestinians will be barred from entering. Since the Qassam incident, which injured nobody, the Israeli army has launched multiple air assaults that are ongoing to this very minute.

According to Israeli Ministerial sources, "The defence minister has ordered the army to apply from Monday evening a decision taken last Thursday setting up a limitation on Palestinians circulating in the northern Gaza Strip." This potentially means (and Israel has set many precedents) that any Palestinian straying into the no-man's zone, the extent of which will be determined by Israel, could be shot by troops from across the border.

So what does this most recent and quite disturbing development mean? Firstly it is yet another piece of evidence for those uninformed; that Gaza is still not free and more detrimentally it is at the mercy of the Israeli army at any time. Secondly, this if anything represents the illegal re-occupation of an area that was "freed" only 3 months ago after an occupation that lasted 39 years. Thirdly, this buffer zone is actually an embodiment of Israel's official policy towards their Palestinian counterparts. Basically, the policy implies that if Israeli dictated agreements do not suit the Palestinians then Israel will force it upon them through unbalanced military force, using the arrogant mentality of having to occupy them or use collective punishment to force Palestinians to comply with Israel on their terms.

Furthermore, this buffer zone should be analysed in context of this lingering conflict, which would require taking this latest development and adding it to a list of other violations that Israel is committing.

Israel has yet to agree, even with international pressure, to the opening of a bus convoy link between Gaza and the West Bank. Then there is Israel's threat to disrupt and disallow Palestinians from participating in the Palestinian Legislative elections, set to take place on January 25. Moreover, Israeli forces have been observing a complete closure on the West Bank, contrary to the most basic of freedoms – the right to freedom of movement. These practices are coupled with the continued construction of settlements and the annexation and segregation, which are literally taking away massive portions of Palestinian land. And then finally to put the icing on the cake, there is the new terminal that has been made functional on the gates of the biblical city of Bethlehem, which has had more than detrimental effects on this years Christmas festivities.

So where do Palestinians go from here? Well it is actually very simple and basic. Palestinians have been facing Israel's ruthless onslaught in the form of a prolonged and illegal occupation through sheer determination, continued sacrifices and steadfastness. However, these attributes that Palestinians carry with them are if anything a means to survive, but not much more.

A year ago after the death of the Palestinian President Yasser Arafat there was much talk of peace. Since the 'internationally renowned' unilateral disengagement from Gaza, the talk of a peace process was amplified and then finally the creation of new political party by Ariel Sharon – which has been established on the premise of making a final and lasting peace with the Palestinians - has further magnified the overused and popular word Peace.

Once again MIFTAH would like to remind all the parties involved in the Middle East crisis that only true and fair negotiations will lead to a comprehensive and just peace, and not the language that Israel imposes, as well as Palestinian extremists.