Sixth Report on the Implementation of the Agreement on Movement and Access
By Office of the Special Envoy for Disengagement
February 09, 2006

The Quartet Special Envoy's Office is submitting the sixth bi-weekly report on the implementation of the 15 November Agreement on Movement and Access, covering the period 21 January to 3 February 2006 inclusive.

  • Rafah was open daily during the reporting period with standard opening hours of 9 hours a day.
  • Karni was closed by the Government of Israel on 15 January and remained closed during the reporting period, citing warnings of a tunnel that could be used for an attack against Israeli officials working at the crossing. Karni was reopened again on 5 February.
  • Erez was reopened for Palestinians on 22 January. On 25 January, Erez was closed at the request of the PA due to the PLC elections. During the reporting period, an average 2530 workers and traders passed into Israel per day.
  • The deadline for the introduction of truck convoys between Gaza and the West Bank by 15 January passed without being met. Discussions of bus convoys have not yet resumed.
  • According to OCHA the number of obstacles to movement in the West Bank rose from 465 to 475.
  • The GoI has not provided the assurance to donors that it will not interfere with the operation of the seaport.

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