Israel’s Trojan Horse
August 21, 2002

The PNA has approved 'Bethlehem/Gaza First' plan despite the opposition and skepticism expressed by the majority of Palestinian factions. This indirectly makes Sharon appear to be working for peace and thereby empowering him and his goons to continue their vicious motives. The 'Bethlehem/Gaza First' plan is already being implemented, with Israeli troop supposedly beginning their withdrawal yesterday. Yet the facts reveal that Israel has no intention to follow through, as a total of six Palestinians have been killed, including an assassination of a 22-year-old and the murder of two teenagers. Gaza remains under occupation and Bethlehem is still surrounded with Israeli tanks, reminding Palestinians of the mere seconds it takes to once again seize the area.

In Khan Younis Refugee Camp, Gaza, Israeli troops demolished over a dozen homes and buildings using military bulldozers and tanks escorted by Cobra helicopters. During the operation, Israeli troops toppled a four-storey building on an innocent Palestinian man, sniped down a 15-year-old in Khan Younis and demolished 15 homes. The Israeli army continued provoking and stirring up Palestinian anger by assassinating Mohammad Sa'adat, 22, brother of a popular Palestinian political figure. Moreover, residents of Nablus have been under military curfew for 60 days with no end in sight and Tulkarem is burying three, including a murdered 13-year-old.

Innocent people continue being killed, while Ben Eliezer and his nefarious gang undermine any attempt to bring the situation under control. Both Sharon and Ben Eliezer have no intentions of making peace, they are simply feeling the pressure from the opposition. Ben Eliezer, leader of the Labor party and Sharon's partner in crime, has come under attack from his rival, Mitsna', who branded the current Israeli leadership "a government of terror" and expressed his intentions to withdraw from occupied territories. By accepting this absurd plan, the PNA acting without the legislative council's blessings, seems to be indirectly giving leeway to the extremists governing the Israeli State to carry on their military occupation, while appearing to be supporters of peace.

This plan is reminiscent of a Trojan horse, intended to fool the world by appearing to be a goodwill gesture, while hiding its strategic use of covering up the daily aggressions of the Israeli army. For every action there is a reaction, and Israel is betting that Palestinians will avenge the recent deaths and assassination operation, thereby returning world condemnation squarely on the Palestinians. Israel, continuing its unrelenting media campaign, can then claim that it offered peace to no avail, when in fact this plan was always intended to fail so that Israel maintains its chokehold on the Palestinian people. Sharon's government is responsible for the deaths of innocent Palestinians and Israelis and should not undermine these losses by drafting a plan that only secures more violence.