Poll # 151 Israeli National Elections & the New Palestinian Government Formed by Hamas
March 27, 2006

Poll No.151
Date: 26 March 2006

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

The target of this survey is to examine the Palestinians' public opinion with regard to the Israeli national elections, Ehud Olmert's plan and the new Palestinian government formed by Hamas. We have furthermore made the attempt to probe the political conditions prevailing after the Israeli raid on Jericho's prison and the abduction of Mr. Ahmed Saadat, the Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and his companions and to cast light on the extent of Israel's compliance with the deals concluded with the Palestinians. This poll tried furthermore to explore the public's attitude towards Britain and the USA, which is said have allowed Israel to raid Jericho's prison. All this besides other political, economical and security key issues.

If you wish to view the whole poll results, so all you need is to revert to our website: www.pcpo.ps

Please feel quite free to contact us immediately if you have any questions or inquiry on any issue of this poll.

With our good wishes and best regards,

Dr. Nabil Kukali, Director of PCPO

In a survey on the Palestinian public opinion prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali

  • (47.2%) Agree to various degrees to the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority, (50.5%) oppose to various degrees the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority
  • (74.4%) Are to various degrees content with the Palestinian government formed by Hamas.
  • (82.4%) Are worried about their personal security.
  • (65.4%) Support to various degrees the PA President Mr. Mahmoud Abbas.
  • (85.5%) Don't trust Israel's commitment to the accords signed with Palestinian Authority.
  • (88.5%) Demand from Britain and the USA to force Israel to return Mr. Ahmed Saadat and his companions to the Palestinian Authority.
  • (50.7%) Are opposing to various extents the abduction of foreigners and the destruction of cultural centers belonging to EU countries.
  • (18.6%) Believe that the Israeli Labor Party is the most efficient party for the settlement of the Palestinian – Israeli conflict.
  • (49.4%) Believe that the unilateral plan of Ehud Olmert will lead to the continuation of the conflict in the region.

Beit Sahour: Information Section

In the recent poll prepared by Dr. Nabil kukali during the period from March )19-23), 2006 and published by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO), a random sample of (1068) Palestinian adults over 18 years old, representing the various demographic specimens of the people living in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, has been investigated.

The results of the poll revealed that the majority of the Palestinian people believe that the plan of the acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert regarding the unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank by September 2010 without reaching a genuine peace agreement with the Palestinians will lead to the continuation of the conflict in the region and will not warrant the stability and security of Israel. Dr. Kukali commented on this by saying that Israel cannot establish permanent borders with the Palestinian Authority on its own without the approval of the Palestinians. It will be then difficult for Israel to obtain the security and peace unless it fulfills the desires and aspirations of the Palestinian people by achieving a fair peace with them. He added that (18.6%) of the Palestinian society believe that Labor Party is the most efficient party for the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. One of the most significant findings of this poll, Dr. Kukali found out, that almost the half of the Palestinians, specifically (47.2%) are to various degrees in favor of the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority because it seems that the Palestinian people lost hope that the present Authority will finally lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state side by side to the Jewish one on the basis of the international legitimacy and the principle of land against peace as provided for in the UN resolutions. Dr. Kukali pointed furthermore out that (74.4%) of the Palestinians (59.1%) in Gaza and (84.0%) in the West Bank are to various degrees content with the Palestinian government formed by Hamas without the participation of Fateh and the other PLO's factions.

Dr. Kukali believes that the majority of the Palestinians are of the opinion that relying on the political settlements with international warranties seems to be of no real weight on the ground as long as Israel can revoke such settlements or agreements at its own discretion. The poll results have indicated that the majority of the Palestinian public, specifically (63.4%), don’t trust the arguments made by the USA and Britain as a justification for the withdrawal of their monitors from the jail at Jericho and by doing that have given Israel the opportunity to capture the PFLP's Secretary-General, Mr. Ahmed Saadat, and his comrades.

Dr. Kukali referred also to the fact that the majority of the Palestinians felt insulted upon watching the satellite TV pictures showing the Palestinian security men captured and humiliated by taking their clothes off and keeping just the underwear on them. Lastly, Dr. Kukali concluded that the majority of the Palestinians disagree to abducting foreigners and demolishing cultural centers belonging to countries of the European Union and to other countries as a reaction to the US-American and British attitude in the Israeli raid on Jericho's prison and the subsequent abduction of the PFLP Secretary General and his comrades.

To View the Full Result as PDF (570 KB)
