Statement by Mike O’Brien on the Middle East
By Mike O’Brien
September 06, 2002

Foreign Office Minister Mike O Brien said:

"No Israelis have been killed by Palestinian attacks inside Israel for over four weeks now. This provides an opportunity for Israel and the Palestinian Authority to rebuild trust and return to the negotiating table. I urge them both to seize it, building on their existing agreement to enhance security in Gaza and Bethlehem, and on efforts by Palestinian groups to look more seriously at a general de-escalation."

"It is tragic that at the same time violence is continuing in the Occupied Territories, with heavy loss of life, particularly of children. So I welcome the decision by the Israeli Defence Minister to launch an inquiry into recent killings of Palestinian civilians by the Israel Defence Forces."

"I urge the Palestinian Authority to accelerate efforts to build effective security structures capable of preventing further terrorist attacks and in line with its recent reiteration of it complete rejection of terrorism. And I call on Israel to support these efforts and take steps to demonstrate its commitment to peace, particularly by making it possible for Palestinians to resume their ordinary lives. At the beginning of a new term, Israeli children should be able to go to school without fear of terrorist attack, while young Palestinians need to be able to attend classes and know that hope for a political solution is not futile. Only a political solution is likely to bring a permanent end to the terrible losses and suffering on both sides."