Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

This survey prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali in Gaza Strip revealed the following key results:

  • (70.9%) of the Palestinian Gazans are worried about the subsistence of their families.
  • (72.5%) are worried about another military confrontation with Israel.
  • (54.9%) believe that the Israeli deterrence has receded.
  • (52.6%) support the resumption of the peace negotiations with Israel.
  • (51.3%) highly rated the extent of the media coverage.
  • (77.6%) believe that Israel has been painfully beaten by the Palestinian militants.

Beit Sahour – Section of Public Relations:

The latest poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali and conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (www.pcpo.org), during the period from August 14-19, 2014 covered a random sample of (1000) Palestinian respondents representing the various demographic specimens of adult Palestinians (18 years and above) living in Gaza Strip. It revealed that (72.5%) of the Palestinians in Gaza Strip are worried about a potential military confrontation with Israel.

Dr. Nabil Kukali, President and founder of the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, said in a statement that a high rate of the Palestinian public in Gaza Strip evaluated their economic situation as bad, and that their main concern at present is the feeling to be secure and the reconstruction of the Strip, which will open for them a wide scale of job opportunities. A high rate of them believes that their economic situations will improve after the end of the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip.

The international community is therefore required to speed up the lifting of the blockade from Gaza, to start the reconstruction works, to open the commercial border-crossings, to establish industrial zones and to work on the construction of a seaport in Gaza Strip and an airport in the West Bank and to reconstruct the previous Gaza airport demolished by the Israeli forces during the second Intifada. Furthermore, a land-corridor connecting the West Bank with Gaza Strip through the Israeli territory is said to be a hot issue.

Dr. Kukali added also in his comment that majorities of the Palestinian people are, in general, satisfied with the media coverage during the Israeli military operation “The Protective Edge” and that the majority among them felt sad, furious and scared on watching the news broadcasts and the media coverage of the war. Furthermore, Dr. Kukali established that more than a half of the Gazan respondents believe that the Israeli deterrence has receded and that Israel has been painfully beaten by the Palestinian resistance during the Israeli military operation they call, according to a verse in the Holy Qur’an, “The Eaten Straw” (Surat Al-Fil, 5). Dr. Kukali concluded his statement with the comment that the majority of the Palestinian public supports the resumption of the peace negotiations with Israel. Hereunder are the details of the survey results:

The Worry About a Further Military Confrontation

Responding to the question:”Up to which extent are you worried about a military confrontation with Israel”, (30.8 %) said “to a high degree”, (41.7 %) “to a moderate degree”, (8.2 %) “to a low degree”, (18.2 %) “not worried” and (1.1 %) said “I don’t know”.

The Worry About Being Harmed in the Future

With regard to the question:” In case a further round of hostilities with Israel would break out, up to which extent would you be worried about being harmed yourself ?”, (33.1 %) said “to a high degree”, (36.2 %) “to a moderate degree”, (8.8 %) “to a low degree”, (17.4 %) “not worried” and (4.5 %) said “I don’t know”.

A New Military Confrontation

Regarding the question:”Do you expect in the near future a new military confrontation with Israel ?”, (39.4 %) said “Yes”, (36.5 %) “No”, and (24.1 %) said “I don’t know”.

The Israeli Deterrence

(16.4 %) of the Palestinian public in Gaza Strip are of the opinion that the Israeli deterrence in the wake of the military operation “The Eaten Straw” has increased, whilst (23.2 %) said “it remained unchanged”, (54.9 %) said “it has receded” and (5.5 %) said “I don’t know”. And responding further to the question:”Do you believe that Israel has been painfully beaten by the Palestinian Resistance ?”, (77.6 %) said “Yes”, (15 %) said “No” and (7.4 %) said “I don’t know”.

Resumption of the Peace Negotiations

(52.6 %) of the Palestinian public in Gaza Strip support the resumption of the peace negotiations with Israel, whilst (41.9 %) oppose that and (5.5 %) were undecided.

Food and Health Care

In respect of the question:”During the Israeli military operation ‘The Eaten Straw’, did you ever pass through hard times in which you didn’t have enough money to purchase food for your family ?”, (50 %) said “Yes”, and (50 %) said “No”. Responding further to the question:”And what about purchasing medicine and providing the necessary health care for your family ?”, (51.6 %) said they were able to do that, whilst (48.4 %) said they were unable.

Government of the National Consensus

(23.4 %) of the Gaza Strip public rated the performance of the National Consensus Government during the Israeli military operation at “good”, whilst the rating of (43.3 %) of the respondents was at “moderate”, (22.7 %) “bad” and (10.6 %) said “I don’t know”.


Responding to the question: “How would you rate the performance of UNICEF during the military operation ‘The Eaten Straw’?” (51.4 %) said “good”, (29.4 %) “moderate” ,(16.6 %) “bad” and (2.6 %) said “I don’t know”.

The Worry About the Subsistence

Regarding the question:”Up to which extent are you worried at present about the subsistence of your family ?”, (35.6 %) said “very much worried”, (35.3 %) “worried”, (18.0 %) “not so much worried” and (11.1 %) answered “I don’t know”.

The Anticipated Economic Situation after the End of the War

Responding to the question:”Do you believe, in general, that the economic situation in the Strip would improve, deteriorate or would remain unchanged after the end of the Israeli aggression ?”, (59.8 %) said “would improve”, (24.3 %) “would deteriorate”, (11.9 %) “would remain unchanged” and (4.0 %) said “I don’t know”.

The Present Economic Situation

(65.8 %) of the Palestinian public in Gaza Strip evaluated the present economic situation as “bad”, whilst (26.3 %) evaluated it as “mediocre” and only (7.0 %) as “good”. (0.9 %) said “I don’t know”.

The Citizen’s Concerns

With regard to the question:”What is your main concern at present ?”, (9.3 %) said “the job/money”, (61.9 %) “the security”, (12.1 %) “the health” and (16.7 %) “the future”.

Life Content

Responding to the question:”What is, in general, the extent of your life content given the scale from (1) to (10), where (1) stands for “extremely discontent” and (10) for “extremely content ?”, the result was the average of (4.54) at the standard deviation of (2.11) degrees. This means that the Palestinian public in Gaza Strip are, in general, discontent with their lives.


With respect to the question:”If the immigration door was opened to you, would you think at present to leave Gaza Strip to another country ?”, (25.0 %) said “Yes”, (72.2 %) said “No” and (2.8 %) said “I don’t know”.

The Media Coverage

Responding to the question:”Do you think that the media coverage of the Israeli military operation ‘The protective Edge’/’ The Eaten Straw’ on the TV screens was within the right extent ?”,

(54.0 %) of the respondents said “Yes”, (42.0 %) “somehow”, (3.0 %) said “No” and (1.0 %) said “I don’t know”. And to the question:”How would you rate the size of the media coverage in the news broadcasts about the military operation ‘The protective edge’/ ‘The Eaten Straw’ towards the Gazan population ?” (32.9 %) said “was rightly dosed”, (51.3 %) “was very highly dosed”,

(13.8 %) said “was insufficient” and (2.0 %) said “I don’t know”.

In respect of the concluding question:”What were your dominant feelings upon watching the media coverage about the Israeli military operation ’the Protective edge’/ ‘ The Eaten Straw’?, (12.4 %) of the respondents said “I felt informed”, (21.5 %) “solidarity”, (18.0 %) “fear”, (32.9 %) “sadness”, (2.0 %) said they felt “bored”, (12.1 %) “furious” and (1.1 %) said “I don’t know”.

To View the Full Result as PDF

By the Same Author
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