Sunday, 30 June. 2024
Your Key to Palestine
The Palestinian Initiatives for The Promotoion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Palestinian Newspaper Coverage of the Bloody Events in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: Early October 2006


MIFTAH issues this report as the first in a series of special reports on the Palestinian media coverage of some current and crucial issues and events, an average of three reports annually. It attempts to monitor, study and analyze the form and content of material in the media and its address of different aspects. Through research, study and constructive criticism, it highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the media for the purpose of improving its performance and the quality of material it presents.

This series, in addition to broader and more comprehensive reports, constitutes a part of various media monitoring activities of the Palestinian Media Monitor at MIFTAH, under phase two of the Arab-Israeli Media Coverage Monitoring Project, implemented in cooperation with the Center for the Protection of Democracy in Israel-Keshev- which monitors and analyzes Israeli media coverage.

The Media Monitor selected the tragic events that took place in the Gaza Strip and parts of the West Bank at the beginning of October 2006 as its topic, because of their significance and gravity, and because these events came as a result of circumstances that need thorough examination. At the media level, many media professionals, analysts and observers hold the media partially responsible, and even accuse some media channels of a form of internal incitement that has possibly contributed to aggravating the tension.

Because of the extreme importance of this topic, MIFTAH chose to concentrate in this report on the three daily newspapers: Al-Quds, Al-Ayyam and Al-Hayat Al-Jadidah during four days, October 1-4, 2006.

To View the Full Report as PDF (372 KB)

By the Same Author
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