Poll # 142 Internet Use & Reading habit In Palestine
September 07, 2005

Poll No.142
Date: 07 September 2005

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

This poll aims at probing the opinion of the people about the use of Internet and the habit of reading, and is financed by the PCPO itself.

Please feel quite free to contact us if you have further questions. We will be pleased to have your comments.

Yours faithfully

Dr. N. Kukali Director of the PCPO

With the beginning of the scholastic year

  • (60.8%) Of the Palestinians have their own PC.
  • (37.6%) Of the Palestinians use the Internet.
  • (13.1%) Are Internet subscribers.
  • (27.2 %) Did not read a book since a long time.
  • (36.7 %) Are wearied of reading due to their reliance on the media.

From Majd Kokaly – Information Section

In the latest poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali and published by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) in the period from (30 Aug – 3 Sep), 2005 during different working hours, a random sample of (1040) Palestinian adults over 18 years was included, representing the various demographic models of the Palestinian society in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip.

"The most important thing this poll has revealed", Dr. Kukali said is that (37.6%) of the Palestinians are using the Internet." They are divided into (52.1%) males and (47.9%) females. (60.8%) of the Palestinians have their own PC at home and (41.6%) of them use the Internet at home, which is the highest rate among the other Internet locations. "The increase in the Internet users", Dr. Kukali commented "is due to the services and facilities the Telecommunication and Internet companies operating in Palestine are providing for the citizens". He further indicated that the Palestinians, compared with other countries, are very advanced in this field of technology, taking into consideration that the Internet users in the Palestinian territories are increasing many times over the rate of the neighboring countries.

Dr. Kukali said further that the educational institutions in the Palestinian territories should exert more efforts on the building of a strong relationship with the people and perform educational programs encouraging them to develop the reading habit.

“All interviews took place on the basis of random choices of respondent’s homes, i.e. face to face”, Elias Kukali, from the Public Relations Office at PCPO, said. The choices were takes from a total of (118) election sites. These election sites are randomly chosen by using the method of the simple random sample. These sites in turn were the beginning of the random sample choice made from those regions in accordance with PCPO’s long experienced methodology. The sampling error throughout the survey is found at (±3.04%). Elias Kukali added "the percentage of female respondents was (47.7%) whereas that of the male respondents reached (52.3%). He stated that the average size of the respondent families was (7.2) individuals. He said that the composition of the sample according to the type of residence was as follows: (52.6%) city, (29.5%) village, (17.9%) refugee camp. And the Average age of the sample: (33) years.

Elias kukali added that the percentage of married respondents in the sample added up to (66.0%), while that of the single ones reached (29.4%), and that of other cases was (4.6%).

Dr. Kukali said the results of the poll were as follows

To View the Full Report in English and Arabic as PDF (198 KB)
